Author Topic: Bitshares Bank UI  (Read 7765 times)

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Offline svk

I do agree an alternative, simpler interface is needed. Perhaps you'd like to build something on my recently released new wallet template?
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline xeroc

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In the real world, your bank is actually a broker and not an exchange. In BitShares you can enter the markets directly and don't need to go via a broker.
There is also ongoing development to simplify the frontend(s) but currently, all we really have as a desktop solution is the full-feature BitShares wallet with all options enabled.
Stripping it down and making it more user friendly is a nice business opportunity .. btw. ..

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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Its is not easy to make bts simplier than it alreasy is......just take a look around even bitcoin is fucking unfriendly with those hdbdusishehehdjdjdhdhdhshshhshsh address......
Our enviroment as a whole is a lit bit far from average joe......but no doubt bitshares is in right track....simple adress, browser wallet with control of private keys just with a click, exchange, smartcoins, gateway.....holy shit long way to is just the start.....lets keep up

bitcointalk ANN
chat, post, promote it!!!!!!!! Stan help to improve OP!

Offline mike623317

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Bitshares Bank UI

One of the main things that appealed to me was using bitshares to replace my bank account. Where else can I have the ability to save in gold, silver, oil etc all within the same account? I still believe this is one of the strongest cases for Bitshares.

So If we are going to market BitShares successfully to people that want to use it as a bank account we want to have a really easy and intuitive interface. Personally, I don't have much understanding of derivatives and investing along with the terminology often used.

When I look at my own personal bank account its very clean and simple. It's intuitive for deposits and withdrawals. I don't have this funky graph with buy walls and don't have these bid & ask prices.

The point is it almost feels like I'm on tdameritrade or etrade sometimes, and that's ok. But I'm suggesting a new user interface that creates a simple, uncluttered, professional looking UI that caters for the average joe who wants the freedom to save as he/she wishes - think Greek citizens who would desperately love to escape the euro.

So, with this in mind I would like to see it as simple as depositing an amount of fiat and then purchasing bitgold without having to feel like I'm investing. The current UI, whilst I think it's ok for trading, doesn't currently make non investors comfortable. Therefore I'm proposing we have an exchange interface and a banking interface.

If users want to switch between different assets they could just pay a small fee above the current price to convert bitUSD to bitsilver for example. The current interface is great for an exchange, but I really feel that the best play for the best level of adoption is to appeal to the average guys need for simple, easy banking - especially as these large corrupt banks fail.

Well, that's my 2 cents.