Author Topic: One of top10 BTS/OL affiliates is going down..  (Read 2174 times)

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Offline kingscrown

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Faster than i have noticed the community has brang me LTM on OL and extras in coins.

Really appreciated to everybody who helped - BISHARES COMMUNITY ROCKS.

kc069 account is starting to look good again, now just need to push my old lost account from main page of cryptofresh as top10 affiliate.

I will not rest until i take spot of myself on the top10.

BIG! Thanks to everybody who decided to support me and who still decides in future. I promise to not buy beer for those donations :))))))))) --------> Cryptocurrency Blog with 16000+ email subscribers - Get on the Private Mailing List Now!

Offline Chronos

Where's my -5%?  :( SFYL.

Thanks for the reminder. Back up your .bin file, and keep your encryption key.

Who was your voting proxy? Those votes will never change...

Offline kingscrown

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Its about me but wanted to write in 3rd person just to give humor to this totally - not funny - situation.

About me:
Im into BTC since 2010/11 and even tho i forgot of my BTCs until 2013 i never lost the keys (read more - and since 2013/14 im just altcoin promotor/trader and own pretty popular blog
In the end of 2015 was approached by my buddy Ronny from CCEDK one day and invited to promote OpenLedger and his assets on it - OBITS/BTSR etc + of course BTS itself. I got active, and soon i have met alot of great people from BTS community and sticked to it. The community is friendly, communicative and really top notch.

Until i have noticed i was a top10 affiliate:

I brang some really active people here ie

My blog has really many hits + big mailing list due to giveaways i do and extra infos that i share on it. Mostly it got its traffic and fame because monthly i do publicly predictions of altcoins/tokens that will raise and usually im around 80% right.
You can check those posts here in section and see yourself with historical data if you wish - :)

So mostly im the investor and affiliate guy, thats what BTS was having for me. I could promote BTS/OL, trade and get audience to the assets + BTS itself. Perfect combo.

Until few days ago...
I had to reset cache in browser.
I have been resetting OL many times and moving the .bin to desktop for this and since i wasnt used for websites to need user/pass + wallet files i literally forgot one time and cleared this up.
Spent hours on all recovery programs and speaking to specialists but at this point file was overwritten by my beloved Telegram app where i speak on Steem/Bitshares channels (what a coincidence!).

Its purely my fault but this made me upset and due to losses seems i will have to quit BTS.
The loss is mostly in my LTM + affiliates i had - since this is what i do best, promote. Now i cannot do it.
The funds on account are BTS + BTSR + MUSE in not huge numbers [few thousands each] but the LTM + affiliates - thats a loose.

I could buy assets lost again but this wont cover affs i have lost and stuff.
In the situation there is some upsides tho.

@ There are PERMANENTLY lost and off the market BTS (with my constant vesting), BTSR & MUSE. This means less tokens - more money for you guys.
@ This may make some of you backup the file right now and never forget about its location.
@ I have meet STEEM so if BTS i have to quit, the spot in my heart for it STEEM will take. I have already brang many people in and i can just take more.

So it seems crypto-gods want me to quit promoting BTS..
Unless you want to fight the gods like Theseus?

disclaimer: this is not my idea but like i have said ive met lots of decent people here and talking on priv, some suggested i should make this article and give people chance to ignore me totally :) - or help the cause and by this help marketing of BTS.

Here is the deal for BTS community.

I have made new account kc069 (backed up keys properly!)

Im allowing community of BTS to vote with their money if they want to bring me back as an affiliate.
Do you think i did good job for BTS/OL/BTSR/MUSE? Donate to kc069

If i get at least enough for LTM (sicne that allows me to do affiliate links), i will come back with:
At least one 100% dedicated BTS article on the blog, mailed to all users and promoted on all socials and forums im into (mostly Hero/Elite user statuses)
I will put BTS and/or its asset into next coin Report (i can only put things in a moments i think they raise, hence why i cannot say what and when)
Promote BTS/OL like isused to but for a month with tripled powers.
Promote mumble/hangouts BTS.

Any other ideas? Lets speak.

tldr; have a laugh at least :)

It have been posted to STEEM too:
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