Bitshares had its prime time too. As I can recall, it passed ripple and became the no.2 highest market cap. To take a long story short, what happened then caused bitshares fell to the market cap of today. I couldn't tell if the same thing will happen to steem, but I strongly feel that we should keep going on the current route, and make bitshares more appealing in more practical use cases, and never look back.
This is actually historically inaccurate. Bitshares never made it past ripple because when we were approaching it, Ripple's leadership decided to release all the locked up Ripple held by the foundation to become part of ripples marketcap...manipulating coinmarketcap in such a way as to make them skyrocket in value...
From that day on bitshares never got close to #3 again. If it had passed ripple, I suspect it would have garnered quite a bit of attention and likely would have had many more eyeballs on it as it was and still is in most ways superior to Ripple.
This is the reason why you will see the term "pulling a ripple" on these forums from time to time.

I say this because if circumstances were different and the ripple defensive maneuver hadn't occurred, we would be in a completely different ballpark most likely. This is a pretty important circumstance to consider. I only hope you guys all really consider joining and using steem...I don't want people left behind when they can earn (and maybe put earnings back into bitshares??).