Thanks for the responses. I wish we could treat ourselves like companies. I read an article recently which I can't find at the moment, about students allowing investors to invest in them. I see nothing wrong with the concept of crowdfunding from society and running your life like you are a company. I mean, as long as that is how the world currently works on a large scale, which it does, then why not? Reason why is they have all kinds of rules to prevent the peasants from being able to play the same game they play. We have to find a way around them. If I know that at age 28 and perfect health I can produce something of value in the world, I should be able to find investors in me as a person. Maybe 5 years down the line I'm a multi-millionaire. So I return the favor to my early investors with dividends. That's the line of logic I'm using right now, and it's probably the wrong way to approach a problem, but these are my beliefs none the less.