Author Topic: Hello, I'm new to BitShares  (Read 5520 times)

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Offline btcto100k

The ability to issue dividends would be very helpful. Will that ever be made possible?

Yes, the Peerplays project has developed this and has plans to share it with Bitshares.

Right on. I look forward to this!

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

The ability to issue dividends would be very helpful. Will that ever be made possible?

Yes, the Peerplays project has developed this and has plans to share it with Bitshares.
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Offline btcto100k

The ability to issue dividends would be very helpful. Will that ever be made possible?

Offline btcto100k

Thanks for the responses. I wish we could treat ourselves like companies. I read an article recently which I can't find at the moment, about students allowing investors to invest in them. I see nothing wrong with the concept of crowdfunding from society and running your life like you are a company. I mean, as long as that is how the world currently works on a large scale, which it does, then why not? Reason why is they have all kinds of rules to prevent the peasants from being able to play the same game they play. We have to find a way around them. If I know that at age 28 and perfect health I can produce something of value in the world, I should be able to find investors in me as a person. Maybe 5 years down the line I'm a multi-millionaire. So I return the favor to my early investors with dividends. That's the line of logic I'm using right now, and it's probably the wrong way to approach a problem, but these are my beliefs none the less.

Yeah that is a good point! Crowdfund the early stage of your live and stay accountable for your work and success.

Unfortunately we don't seem to live in a society that thinks on these terms. You have to be somewhat of an extraordinary person to ever have these otherwise normal ideas cross your mind. That's what you get with a society that is programmed how to live their life, and fed constant stimulants to keep from thinking deeper.

A large and sudden fall of all the systems that support humans current way of life seems inevitable. Too many blinds people leading each other.

Offline Chris4210

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Thanks for the responses. I wish we could treat ourselves like companies. I read an article recently which I can't find at the moment, about students allowing investors to invest in them. I see nothing wrong with the concept of crowdfunding from society and running your life like you are a company. I mean, as long as that is how the world currently works on a large scale, which it does, then why not? Reason why is they have all kinds of rules to prevent the peasants from being able to play the same game they play. We have to find a way around them. If I know that at age 28 and perfect health I can produce something of value in the world, I should be able to find investors in me as a person. Maybe 5 years down the line I'm a multi-millionaire. So I return the favor to my early investors with dividends. That's the line of logic I'm using right now, and it's probably the wrong way to approach a problem, but these are my beliefs none the less.

Yeah that is a good point! Crowdfund the early stage of your live and stay accountable for your work and success.
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Offline karnal

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Welcome, hope to see you around here for a long time to come!

Offline ripplexiaoshan

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Offline Akado

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Thanks for the responses. I wish we could treat ourselves like companies. I read an article recently which I can't find at the moment, about students allowing investors to invest in them. I see nothing wrong with the concept of crowdfunding from society and running your life like you are a company. I mean, as long as that is how the world currently works on a large scale, which it does, then why not? Reason why is they have all kinds of rules to prevent the peasants from being able to play the same game they play. We have to find a way around them. If I know that at age 28 and perfect health I can produce something of value in the world, I should be able to find investors in me as a person. Maybe 5 years down the line I'm a multi-millionaire. So I return the favor to my early investors with dividends. That's the line of logic I'm using right now, and it's probably the wrong way to approach a problem, but these are my beliefs none the less.

That would be a really good use of a bitasset :) | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline btcto100k

Thanks for the responses. I wish we could treat ourselves like companies. I read an article recently which I can't find at the moment, about students allowing investors to invest in them. I see nothing wrong with the concept of crowdfunding from society and running your life like you are a company. I mean, as long as that is how the world currently works on a large scale, which it does, then why not? Reason why is they have all kinds of rules to prevent the peasants from being able to play the same game they play. We have to find a way around them. If I know that at age 28 and perfect health I can produce something of value in the world, I should be able to find investors in me as a person. Maybe 5 years down the line I'm a multi-millionaire. So I return the favor to my early investors with dividends. That's the line of logic I'm using right now, and it's probably the wrong way to approach a problem, but these are my beliefs none the less.

Offline Chris4210

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Hi Btcto 100k,

welcome to BitShares.  Yeah, that is the interesting part of money and tokens. How to create value? At the end, the community  is giving a token's value. When you think about fiat money then we have to trust the government's and the market that we can always get products and services in exchange for USD. If the business does not accept the USD as payment anymore, then the USD "token" cannot be used anymore and is useless. Nobody sells you a can of coke for a worthless token.
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Offline Akado

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an asset can have value which derives from the owner's work. say you create an asset, people could buy it and send it to you in exchange for your work. it would have value. they can also be used for crowdfunding.

We also have pegged assets, bitCNY, bitUSD | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline btcto100k

Hello, I came from ripplexiaoshan's post on Steemit. (

I knew about BitShares but not much. I decided to follow the thread and create a wallet and a UIA asset today. It is called FAISAL. I'm giving away free shares right now so anyone who posts in the thread will get some.

Now that I've created it, and given out a few shares to people, I am wondering what is in store for the future or what may exist currently to promote such things?

ripplexiaoshan's idea on Steemit was kind of neat, but I'm not sure if it will actually catch on anytime soon or if ever.

I wish there were ways to promote these UIA's. I've always wanted an asset of myself, but I've always wondered how in theory you would place value on such a thing if it is pegged to nothing of true value?
One idea I had was dividends, or maybe you could peg assets to it? Still learning so let me know / share what you think on this topic.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 06:30:59 pm by btcto100k »