Author Topic: BTS Wallet?  (Read 5837 times)

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Offline GChicken

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Hi mate; great to hear you got it sorted out;

The lite wallets and the web wallets run the same code base so the interface will look exactly the same; i only prefer the lite client as i like the separation of my wallet and my web browser.

One downside i see to the web browser comparatively is that your keys are stored in encrypted from within your browser cache; it is ok from a security point of view (you should use a good password) but if you clear your browser cache you will also clear your keystore and then will need to restore from your backup file (.bin); this is fine and it is easy enough to do but it is for that reason i prefer the lite wallet as it means i am free to clear my browser cache without being concerned about restoring my keystore from backup.

In regards to your MAID i would suggest storing it on paper if you are looking to keep it offline for long term sake; this offers you more protection because it is physically stored offline; so it is safe from hackers getting on to your computer but not from thieves... but in the same light you computer is vulnerable to hackers and thieve so i would think paper is a better option.

In regards to SYS, OpenLedger only supports some coins similar to how not all coins on bittrex are supported on Polo; so if it is not on the list it is currently not supported and therefore not able to be transferred to the Bitshares network.

Offline barnstorm

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BitShares Lite Wallet looks to be the same as OpenLedger.

Offline yvv

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Okay, it worked! I did a small transaction.

So, now just need to decide between OpenLedger and the Lite Wallet.


There are a bunch of web clients, like,, ... All of them work on top of the same blockchain. If one is down, you can use the other one.

Offline barnstorm

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So which is safer for my BitShares? BitShares Lite Wallet or OpenLedger?

And for my MAID? OpenLedger or a paper wallet?

How about SYS? It doesn't look like OpenLedger takes SYS. I'll have to look to see what's available for SYS.


Offline barnstorm

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Okay, it worked! I did a small transaction.

So, now just need to decide between OpenLedger and the Lite Wallet.


Offline GChicken

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apologies you are correct; polo does actually refer to this as 'address': (this is where you should put you Bitshares account name)

Bitshares/OpenLedger/FreedomLedger are all exchanges that run on the Bitshares network. so when you registered your account at OpenLedger, OpenLedger actually registered you an account within the Bitshares network.

Have a look at this screenshot; i have gone to the 'ACCOUNT' tab and i have arrows that point out the account name; this is my test account : anntew1

Again as is said before once you have your account name give it a crack with a small amount of Bitshares first just to double check you have the hang of it; if you have any trouble i will check here again in 5 minutes

Offline barnstorm

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Poloniex does not ask me for an Account Name or Username - just an Address.

What do you mean "when you signed up for BitShares?" Do you mean when I signed up for OpenLedger?

I'll check out the Lite Wallet. Thanks!

« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 12:31:27 pm by barnstorm »

Offline GChicken

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Hi Barnstrom, Welcome :)

You have actually shown up at a great time as having your BTS off the exchange and in a local wallet will give you a share in the Peerplays project!! the snapshot period starts on the 1st of Sept and goes to the 16th of Sept; at some random time within that period the Peerplays team will take a picture/snapshot of everyones current account balances and allocate them a share in the Peerplays network proportional to the amount of Bitshares you hold... So nice timing :)

Which Wallet?
In Regards to your question: i personally use the Bitshares lite client available at: (installs to you computer and uses websockets so no need to sync the blockchain) - i really like it and i would recommend it for you..

Other good options are and <- both of these are webclients and run within your browser

Which ever of those option you choose; it will walk you through backing up you wallet when you first register an account; make sure you do these steps and save your wallet in a secure location; also don't forget your password.

How to Withdraw BTS from Polo
When you withdraw from POLO you will be asked to provide an account name; this is the username you registered when you signed up to Bitshares; if your not sure goto the 'SEND' tab and look in the from field; this is you current account; it is possible to have multiple accounts in the one wallet and if this is the case you can go to the 'HOME' tab and look at the accounts sections.

Once you know your account, goto POLO, hit withdraw, enter you account name and the amount of BTS you wan to withdraw (Start with a small amount say 5 or 10 BTS just to be sure; then once you have confirmed that it works you will have confidence to withdraw as much as you like).

The above will work for all native Bitshares assets I.E BTS, BitUSD, BitCNY ....

What is the Deposit tab then?
The 'deposit'/'withdraw' tab within the wallet will allow you to send in other asset that are not native Bitshares assets (other digital currencies that are not Bitshares related; Doge, Steem, Bitcoin...); for example if you send  'DOGE' to the address specified under the Openledger tab; will issue your account with Open.DOGE <- this is known as a UIA and is effectively DOGE coin backed by openledger on the Bitshares network; so you could hold/trade/transfer your Open.DOGE on the bitshares network and then when your are ready to withdraw you would do so on the withdraw tab and specify a DOGE address; would then exchange you open.DOGE to DOGE on a 1:1 basis.

Hope this helps; remember: make sure you backup; don't lose you password and start by withdrawing a small amount just to make sure you have the hang of it!!


Offline barnstorm

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I send it to my Username?! Poloniex will recognize my OpenLedger Username?

It sure looks like Poloniex is looking for a BTC-type address to withdraw my BitShares.

Offline paliboy

In Poloniex, you simply send it to a name you registered on OpenLedger (displayed in top-right corner).

Offline barnstorm

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Newbie here.

I've got my BTS on Poloniex. Should probably get it to a more secure place.

What is the best BTS wallet?

I don't see BTS on the Deposit Pulldown Menu of OpenLedger.