Guys, you should really make use of the Amazon cloud (AWS) !!
Use the c3.4xlarge instances for low rejection rates (c3.8xlarge: 25% rejection, c3.4xlarge: 5-8% rejection) bundled with Ubuntu 13.10.
To access the instances use, e.g., WinSCP and Putty.
Upload the soucre code of the 0.5a miner, and execute the following commands, done.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev unzip mc
cd ptspool-master/src
make -f makefile.unix
./ptsminer PaPbuU9pVGm6rGnMDe8a8MzWAxymf3RXUW 16
(Of course, I'd like to see my wallet adress here. lol)
Oh, btw, use the Amazon (autcion based) spot instances which you get at approx. 0.5USD right now (see AWS-Irland, and AWS-Singapore for example).
Happy mining.
If you like this solution, please consider a donation: PaPbuU9pVGm6rGnMDe8a8MzWAxymf3RXUW