I know who the interest in DAC PLAY is near 0 (zero) in the last year...
but i hope.. one day, the interest come back...
and i want to stay tuned...
but i'm not able to sync my wallet...
It stuck, and give me this messages:
and then
and so on...
what is the problme?
thank you all!!!!!
i'm using this wallet:
Client version 0.4.5
blockchain_name DAC PLAY
blockchain_description DAC PLAY Network
client_version 0.4.5
bitshares_revision f475112e7c9cf1082b602a6fa51abce352554d14
bitshares_revision_age 29 weeks ago
fc_revision 6a2e6e0439d481c92f443f456d6c1a996041272c
fc_revision_age 58 weeks ago
compile_date compiled on Jun 20 2016 at 13:54:26
boost_version 1.55
openssl_version OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014
build win32 64-bit