Wow had a look at ... Looks very extensive .. I will definitely give it a try long term .. but meanwhile stakemachine seems to be working but am getting an authorisation error.
I am not sure what authorisation its looking for since I made an account for it and gave it owner and active permissions for the bot. I turned off "safe mode" and the account "makerwall" has 10000 BTS and 10000 BTC in its account. This all may be wrong and it may just use "nathan" as thats the account and key in the config.yml file but when I originaly got the "missing required active authority" message I just tried adding permissions to the account.
I used accounts "nathan" "id":"1.2.17" and also added permissions for "makerwall" "id":""1.2.21"
I am thinking this is a permissions problem with my account setup but I cant really see where?
Just learning one step at a time so any help is greatly appreciated.
Cheers John
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/stakemachine$ stakemachine -c configGU1.yml once
2017-03-31 03:11:30,346 - stakemachine - INFO - Configuration: {
"bots": {
"makerwall": {
"only_sell": false,
"only_buy": false,
"bot": "MakerSellBuyWalls",
"target_price_offset_percentage": 1,
"volume_percentage": 50,
"target_price": "last",
"markets": [
"symmetric_sides": true,
"spread_percentage": 5,
"amount": {
"type": "absolute",
"amounts": {
"BTS": 2,
"BTC": 2
"module": "stakemachine.strategies.maker"
"account": "nathan",
"market_separator": ":",
"reserves": {
"BTS": 1000,
"BTC": 1000
"safe_mode": false,
"prefix": "BTC",
"witness_url": "ws://"
2017-03-31 03:11:30,981 - - INFO - Executing bot makerwall
2017-03-31 03:11:31,023 - stakemachine.strategies.basestrategy - INFO - - Selling 2.000000 BTC for 20.500000 BTS @10.250000 BTS/BTC
2017-03-31 03:11:31,997 - stakemachine.strategies.basestrategy - CRITICAL - An error occured while trying to sell: 3030001 tx_missing_active_auth: missing required active authority
Missing Active Authority 1.2.17
th_a transaction.cpp:282 verify_authority
th_a transaction.cpp:297 verify_authority