THANK YOU for compiling this for Windows. I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get cygwin to like it

and I'm sure I'd have succeeded eventually, but now I can forsake that sad battle

Also, I'm glad to finally see open source code enabling GPU mining for ProtoShares using all modern GPUs on all platforms.
[Edit: I'm sending you a PTS donation.]
~400c/p on Radeon HD 78 (using 512 mem. Crashes with 1024 mem).
Crashes on Radeon HD 580, not sure why.
I think I'll break down and migrate my rig to linux, as I suspect I'll get much better speeds via that platform . . .
Questions: does this include the hidden options for different algorithms, and if so how are they invoked? Also, what ocl binary file is it wanting to read (when run on Windows), and would it load faster with that, and if so, where can I get said file?
(And if so, do you use your powers for good or for awesome?)