There's a DAC for that - MemoryCoin.
The least efficient unit of labor or capital in a distributed economy is an isolated individual. The basic unit of communication is a vote, i.e. approve or accept. Markets are simply economic information communication systems. An efficient system of market communication can provide the most efficient economic empowerment for individuals.
Every distributed economic system will need some form of voting - it's necessary for trade, (accept bid/ask), for business (corporate shareholder voting), and for politics (community voting).
The "voting system" can refer to either the technical implementation (how votes are cast, counted, or scored / weighted) or how they are valued by the community. The value of a voting system does not fall into "group trap"...a group falls into a "value trap".
MMC is basically a community charity development coin. 5% of new coins are "taxed" from each new block, and distributed to a group of elected Officers and an elected Charity. The Officers perform community service and development. If community leadership weakens, and the MMC economy stops growing, this is a non-sustainable enterprise since the community will become sclerotic and be slowly taxed to death. But MMC is a bunch of crypto-users. They act in their self-interest, and are most concerned with making a profit.
So, MMC is an anarcho-capitalistic distributed economy of profit-seekers with a net 5% loss taxed away for charity and community to survive?
Cooperate, combine, adapt, evolve, grow, and capitalistic and marketable!
Real-world industries have already solved this problem, but just haven't applied it in the infinitely-distributed sense. This is what policies, procedures, corporate governance, and project management address through quality assurance / quality improvement / quality management systems.
Policies are "objective / mission statement / overall strategic goals". Procedures are "requirement / instructions / detailed tactical directives". In a traditional, rigid, strict corporate management structure, these are controlled to be the same. But, the farther from top-management (overall corporate mission), the more muddled and confused the directives and operations.
Enter matrix-based project team structures - small local teams of various disciplines assigned to specific tasks distributed and derived from an overall project goal. But now the traditional corporate structure has infinitely more "moving parts" to check up on...
Enter the parallel quality improvement leadership team structure - a separate team of individuals responsible for inspecting output, evaluating quality, correcting defects, and improving operations to re-align local project team output with overall organizational mission goals.
In a fully distributed sense, this allows individual local operations to have complete opposite goals than the overall organization, but still net benefits for overall organizational goals at higher levels.
That is, MMC is a group of profit-taking individuals working under strong Officer quality leadership with community self-regulation and accountability to integrate into an overall charity-giving organization.
Furthermore, this combination is widely applicable and scalable. Some US states have already started a new class of legal entities known as "benefit corporations" - for-profit corporations with official licensed commitments for portions of their profits to serve charitable purposes.
Any real-world organization could form a separate "nonprofit" subsidy as a nonstock, cooperative corporation open to all MMC holders. A business trust could then be established between the parent company and subsidiary. The parent company performs "for profit" fiat-world business. The subsidiary performs "non-profit" real-world business through the MMC network charity fees, while also performing "for-profit" crypto-world business.
By appropriate classification and accounting throughout the system, the "charity" and "profit" aspects can be efficiently separated, focused, and grown. Since the overall MMC network results in a net real-world charitable benefit, any existing corporation can create a non-profit subsidiary entity to perform business denominated in MMC if fellow MMC members vote that it serves their common interests of profit-taking and/or charity-giving.