force settlement make sense under current infrastructure, it is the way to claim the value of smartcoins.
however, we need a reasonable force settlement offset, we also need the fed price trace the market price well enough.
if the offset is too low, shorters will be in high risk and will be discouraged to generate smartcoins, supply will be in shortage.
if the offset is too high, smartcoins will be devalued and off-peg.
we need a balance here.
AFAIK, currently BTS price in BTC is firstly got, and then converted to price in USD, and then in CNY.
deviation can happen in each step.
USDT are not equal to USD, this always contribute to the deviation of price.
CNY is not a free convertible currency, the officially published USD/CNY rate are used here but seldom traders can convert CNY to USD in the rate, this is another important factor for the deviation of price, maybe the bitUSD/bitCNY price in DEX is better than the official rate.
all this lead to a result that in DEX the BTS price in bitCNY is 3-5% higher than the settlement price for long time, and lead to endless settle orders.
while endless settle orders appear, it is telling that the system is ill.
to raise the offset to 5% is an urgent action to cure the illness, I don't think it is a permanent solution, we can find from magic wallet that now 1bitCNY = 0.98-0.99CNY, a little off-peg already happen.
so in long term vision the offset should be reduced, maybe not return to 1%, but at least it need to be reduced to about 3%.
surely the precondition is that the price feeding can reflect the market price exactly enough.
I think magicwallet can be one reliable source for BTS/CNY price, here an CNY/bitCNY price can be calculated out based on the P2P trading data, combined with the bitCNY/BTS price in DEX, a reliable price can be get.
this is a chance for magicwallet to contribute to the ecosystem.
