Author Topic: What is the best way to download all of my account history?  (Read 20380 times)

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Offline oxarbitrage

just tried and it is working fine. make sure you use your account id(1.2.X) and not your name. should work.

Offline Emma Lee

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Thanks for the pointer. I tried the CSV exporter, and it looks like something is wrong -- it hangs for a while (30 seconds?) and then gives me a CSV that only has column headers but no actual data. Nice explorer, by the way. I only just learned about it today; has it been operating a while?

Offline ZafarYaqoob

you can see all your(and others) full account history in the open explorer by going to the account page like in the full account history section.
this uses a connection to a full traditional node.

then you can use also the csv exporter located here:

and use your account id(1.2.1361), start date need to be something before 2015-10 and end date now to get all the history for your account.

the account exporter is not very friendly in its output right now but it will get all the operations made in a period of time, some improvements will came out soon to make it compatible with for example by exporting only the fill orders in a friendly format.

the exporter is connected to an elasticsearch bitshares node, this node is having some problems in the last few days as the server where it is located cant handle it anymore so it can be slow to export or down when you try. if this is the case let me know and ill send you the csv as i already downloaded it for your account now that it is working.

the elasticsearch node is going to be moved to a better server i already have in my power and the migration will be done between tomorrow and this weekend. this will allow to have a more stable elasticsearch node that will be able to bring richer features to the open-explorer and other applications.

hope it helps.
Thank You oxarbitrage your post help me a lot.
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Offline oxarbitrage

there is a new exporter from @svk that i will check to see if we can merge the 2 together to have full account report with format:

Offline Pairmike

I'm trying to determine how to compute the price paid based on the fill price and quote amount.  Can anyone help?

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Offline ZafarYaqoob

Thank You oxarbitrage Your answer solve my Problem.
Hi, I would love to share my knowledge with others I learned about crypto different websites.


Offline Spady007

Thanks Oxarbitrage! I will update my transactions. Hoping Bitshares 3.0 when released will be more user friendly and have a full (at least 1 year) transaction list. I figured my transactions using CSV, but quite an arduous process!!

Offline oxarbitrage

the exporter problem was fixed as more hd was added to the elasticsearch server.

please retry:

account ID: 1.2.493907
start date: 2018-03-01 09:00:22
end date: 2018-03-22 09:55:22

account page:

Offline oxarbitrage

let me answer this @Spady007

in regards to the exporter, thanks for the notification. the elasticsearch server that the bitshares exporter uses to get data is at full disk so some of the last transactions are not getting inserted. i am requesting more disk at the server, then i need to replay the chain and will be working again, i'll update here.

1- for a list of assets if cryptofresh is down you can use complete list) or if you know the asset name or the id you can do or if you know the name do

2- there are some problems pretty often with cryptofresh but there is a private project, we cant do anything for it. as an alternative you may use other explorers like the built in explorer of the reference wallet, the already mentioned open explorer( or a new explorer project(

3- a list of operation number - operation name can be found at:

Offline Spady007


So I've spent 10 hours going over the csv script to figure out my transactions. Was making fabulous progress until I realized there appears to be no difference between a buy or sell order. So frustrating!! Can you tell the difference?? The top script is a sell from bts to bitUS. The bottom script is a buy from bitUS to bts.

Please help - I'm dying - just figuratively of course!


Both above are of same side, paid 1.3.121 which is bitUSD and received 1.3.0 which is BTS.
Take a look at other records.

That is my entire point Abit - they were NOT the same side! The top script is a sell from bts to bitUS. The bottom script is a buy from bitUS to bts. However the code makes them both look identical...and therefore impossible to reconcile from the csv script data.
I think you misunderstood. They ARE both sells or both buys. Paste more records here or somewhere else (e.g. pastebin), I can help find the records on the other side for you.

Perhaps there is a bug in the csv exporter.

Bottom line, accurate full history are on the chain.

I do agree that we do need good tools to export the histories, it's important (we do have many important things to be done). Perhaps you can setup a service for it and earn some money.

Hello Abit,
I've been doing more 'detective' work on the csv exporter. It seems recently (early February) that the exporter is correctly identifying the “pays” asset and the “receive” asset. However, the exporter misses a few actual transactions – about 10%!!
For instance, I purchased some BTS on March 6 (see below) but these transactions do not even appear on the CSV exporter data! I have found other missing data points as well.
0.180000   400.00000   72.0000   03/6 12:22:42
0.190000   250.00000   47.5000   03/6 04:39:30

A couple of other questions
1. Where would I find a list of assets?
For instance - asset_id":"1.3.121 is bitUSD
2. How do I get on the BTS Chain? I’ve tried the URL below – but I almost always get a message that something went wrong – problem with a node?

3. The ‘operations’ section from the CSV exporter has 6 values 0-5
I believe they correspond to the following. Am I accurate?

0 – a transfer of some sort- it appears anyone can transfer a ‘new’ asset to a bts account holder
1 – limit order
2 – cancel order
3 – Unsure
4 – Executed order
5 – Start of a new account

You asked me if I would be interested in trying to help out with this service? I certainly would! I’m not much of a programmer at all, but I will put in the time if you will direct me…

Thanks again for your assistance. I want BTS to succeed because I believe it levels the playing field for everyone and I feel Stan Larimer’s character and integrity is first rate!

Offline oxarbitrage

I am trying to view my account activity
When I go to, I can see the first page of my activity but when I click on any other page, it comes back with a blank (it shows me total of 42 pages of activity)
Any suggestions?

seems there is a problem with the pagination . ill fix during this weekend among other things in the explorer. if you can pls submit an issue here as a reminder

thank you very much.

Offline darkf0rce

I am trying to view my account activity
When I go to, I can see the first page of my activity but when I click on any other page, it comes back with a blank (it shows me total of 42 pages of activity)
Any suggestions?

Offline bench

I am also interested in improving the export function and UI.

Any suggestion which tools to use?
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Offline abit

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So I've spent 10 hours going over the csv script to figure out my transactions. Was making fabulous progress until I realized there appears to be no difference between a buy or sell order. So frustrating!! Can you tell the difference?? The top script is a sell from bts to bitUS. The bottom script is a buy from bitUS to bts.

Please help - I'm dying - just figuratively of course!


Both above are of same side, paid 1.3.121 which is bitUSD and received 1.3.0 which is BTS.
Take a look at other records.

That is my entire point Abit - they were NOT the same side! The top script is a sell from bts to bitUS. The bottom script is a buy from bitUS to bts. However the code makes them both look identical...and therefore impossible to reconcile from the csv script data.
I think you misunderstood. They ARE both sells or both buys. Paste more records here or somewhere else (e.g. pastebin), I can help find the records on the other side for you.

Perhaps there is a bug in the csv exporter.

Bottom line, accurate full history are on the chain.

I do agree that we do need good tools to export the histories, it's important (we do have many important things to be done). Perhaps you can setup a service for it and earn some money.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 11:43:01 am by abit »
BitShares committee member: abit
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