Author Topic: AMD OpenCL Momentum miner  (Read 400293 times)

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Offline bey

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #89 on: January 30, 2014, 05:45:48 pm »

UPDATE 10: version v0.2 of the miner is released, which supports the pool on If you want to connect to you should use v.0.1.2. The miner does NOT support the 1GH-pool yet because the pool does not implement the latest xpt-protocol but 1GH-pool support is still planned. EDIT There was a typo in the README. The usage of v0.2 is <exe-name> -u <username>.<worker> -p <pass> -t <GPU DeviceID list>

THX A LOT :)))

Offline Darkbane

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #88 on: January 30, 2014, 04:38:54 pm »
Thanks for your power measurement. my measurements indicate that a r9 290@1025mhz draws about 200W at wall and makes about 2300 cpm.

I'm lucky enough to have gotten a CP1500PFCLCD when it came out, the digital display makes it real nice to let a system warm up to get a base reading, and then one by one you can add the cards or start using them, there will always be that few percent margin of error from the system but it's pretty darn close once you wait for temperature and fan speed to settle...

Offline NaN

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #87 on: January 30, 2014, 04:19:49 pm »
Thanks for your power measurement. my measurements indicate that a r9 290@1025mhz draws about 200W at wall and makes about 2300 cpm.

Offline Darkbane

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #86 on: January 30, 2014, 04:05:24 pm »
okay 24 hours non-stop on v0.1.2 still going strong

windows 8.1 64bit
amd driver
R9270-DC2OC-2GD5 (four not in crossfire)
96.75 watts per card consumed @50% fan speed
1206MB dedicated memory consumed per card
stock card settings (comes slightly overclocked)
4231.56 CPM 65.56 SPM
VL 99.51% RJ 0.47% ST 0.02%

(guess I should mention this is
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 04:16:19 pm by Darkbane »

Offline Schwede65

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #85 on: January 30, 2014, 03:18:14 pm »
oh, shit... typo. the user flag is -u...  should be
clpts_x86-64 -u Schwede65.1 -p bc -t 0

I'm sorry.
now it works fine :)

Offline NaN

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #84 on: January 30, 2014, 03:05:24 pm »
oh, shit... typo. the user flag is -u...  should be
clpts_x86-64 -u Schwede65.1 -p bc -t 0

I'm sorry. EDIT The README is now fixed.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 03:20:07 pm by NaN »

Offline Schwede65

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #83 on: January 30, 2014, 03:03:23 pm »
please post your bat file. otherwise i can't help you.
clpts_x86-64 -p Schwede65.1 -p bc -t 0

Edit: it has to be "-u Schwede65.1"?
Edit2: it is written to do so in someones "README"-file ;)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 03:06:21 pm by Schwede65 »

Offline NaN

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #82 on: January 30, 2014, 02:56:18 pm »
please post your bat file. otherwise i can't help you.

Offline Schwede65

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #81 on: January 30, 2014, 02:55:08 pm »
well, please read the README and how to use the program
you want to make jokes with me...
so i did it how you described it in your file - but i do not see the difference with starting cmd.exe via batch-file - i did it with all your versions before
and what is the result of this very manual session - this tipping-lines and "cd"-commands are really...
you know what i want to say
crash of the miner - it comes up to the donation-line in the cmd.exe
  Problemereignisname:   APPCRASH
  Anwendungsname:   clpts_x86-64.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:   52ea5049
  Fehlermodulname:   msvcrt.dll
  Fehlermodulversion:   7.0.7601.17744
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:   4eeb033f
  Ausnahmecode:   c0000005
  Ausnahmeoffset:   0000000000009498
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:   3c19
  Zusatzinformation 2:   3c19e81f7ecf4f5eabb06a927010ffd2
  Zusatzinformation 3:   81fd
  Zusatzinformation 4:   81fd335e05e14c51899865f794ef6750

Offline Schwede65

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #80 on: January 30, 2014, 02:15:56 pm »
the new version v0.2 does not work / w7-64-prof
what is the driver version and your GPU?
Catalyst 13.12 + 3 x R9 290X
Edit: "right flags" - don't know what that is
i started a batch-file - the first lines in the cmd are shown up to the donation-thing - no pool-connection so far i saw
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 02:26:02 pm by Schwede65 »

Offline NaN

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2014, 02:14:21 pm »
the new version v0.2 does not work / w7-64-prof
what is the driver version and your GPU? EDIT did you invoke the program with the right flags?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 02:16:57 pm by NaN »

Offline Schwede65

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2014, 02:10:20 pm »
the new version v0.2 does not work / w7-64-prof
shown at windows:
  Problemereignisname:   APPCRASH
  Anwendungsname:   clpts_x86-64.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:   52ea5049
  Fehlermodulname:   msvcrt.dll
  Fehlermodulversion:   7.0.7601.17744
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:   4eeb033f
  Ausnahmecode:   c0000005
  Ausnahmeoffset:   0000000000009498
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:   3c19
  Zusatzinformation 2:   3c19e81f7ecf4f5eabb06a927010ffd2
  Zusatzinformation 3:   81fd
  Zusatzinformation 4:   81fd335e05e14c51899865f794ef6750"

Offline racer8

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #77 on: January 29, 2014, 09:25:39 pm »
what about 1Gh or Ypool version ? :)
Thx ^^

Plus 1 for 1Gh version.  With other PTS miners my 7990 did 2000 cpm which is not bad, almost as good as a 6990.  With your miner it does 3500 cpm with only 8% more power usage - that's pretty awesome coding.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 09:27:20 pm by racer8 »

Offline krpetrov

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #76 on: January 29, 2014, 06:23:07 pm »
Nvidia cards support will be greatly appreciated. ;)
Please make it happened!

Most of the PTS miners are for nVidia Cards. Check out PTSGPUz or cudaptsminer.

Indeed! But they are not as fast as Nan`s miner.

Offline fishseeds

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #75 on: January 29, 2014, 06:16:47 pm »
Nvidia cards support will be greatly appreciated. ;)
Please make it happened!

Most of the PTS miners are for nVidia Cards. Check out PTSGPUz or cudaptsminer.