Due to the latest Fees adjustment proposed and approved by the committee which will be active from tomorrow onwards, I am opening this topic/poll to discuss possible changes to the USD value of fees as well as the updating schedule
As it stands now, there is a table of somewhat agreed upon fees in USD terms.
The drop in BTS valuation is what led to the latest fee adjustment by the committee as fees had to be 627% in BTS terms to reach the same USD values.
The new fee proposal is here:
http://cryptofresh.com/p/1.10.8736 and should activate tomorrow.
Please vote on how often the committee should adjust BTS fees to match USD values, and also comment if you believe any fee type's USD value must be changed.
The current agreed USD values for various fees can be found below:
fee price for transfer 0.018 USD
price_per_kbyte price for transfer 0.01 USD
fee price for limit_order_create 0.001 USD
fee price for limit_order_cancel 0.0001 USD
fee price for call_order_update 0.001 USD
price_per_kbyte price for account_create 0.007 USD
premium_fee price for account_create 5 USD
basic_fee price for account_create 0.1 USD
fee price for account_update 0.001 USD
price_per_kbyte price for account_update 0.007 USD
fee price for account_whitelist 0.1 USD
membership_lifetime_fee price for account_upgrade 120 USD
fee price for account_transfer 5 USD
price_per_kbyte price for asset_create 0.01 USD
symbol3 price for asset_create 8000 USD
symbol4 price for asset_create 2000 USD
long_symbol price for asset_create 50 USD
fee price for asset_update 2 USD
price_per_kbyte price for asset_update 0.007 USD
fee price for asset_update_bitasset 5 USD
fee price for asset_update_feed_producers 5 USD
fee price for asset_issue 0.018 USD
price_per_kbyte price for asset_issue 0.01 USD
fee price for asset_reserve 0.001 USD
fee price for asset_fund_fee_pool 0.5 USD
fee price for asset_settle 0.05 USD
fee price for asset_global_settle 5 USD
fee price for asset_publish_feed 0.0001 USD
fee price for witness_create 50 USD
fee price for witness_update 0.01 USD
fee price for proposal_create 0.15 USD
price_per_kbyte price for proposal_create 0.05 USD
fee price for proposal_update 0.005 USD
price_per_kbyte price for proposal_update 0.007 USD
fee price for proposal_delete 0 USD
fee price for withdraw_permission_create 0.15 USD
fee price for withdraw_permission_update 0.01 USD
fee price for withdraw_permission_claim 0.0144 USD
price_per_kbyte price for withdraw_permission_claim 0.007 USD
fee price for withdraw_permission_delete 0 USD
fee price for committee_member_create 5 USD
fee price for committee_member_update 10 USD
fee price for committee_member_update_global_parameters 0 USD
fee price for vesting_balance_create 1 USD
fee price for vesting_balance_withdraw 2 USD
fee price for worker_create 50 USD
fee price for custom 0.01 USD
price_per_kbyte price for custom 0.05 USD
fee price for assert 0.5 USD
fee price for override_transfer 1 USD
price_per_kbyte price for override_transfer 0.007 USD
fee price for transfer_to_blind 0.21 USD
price_per_output price for transfer_to_blind 0.07 USD
fee price for transfer_from_blind 0.21 USD
fee price for asset_claim_fees 1 USD