Why have you approved bitcrabs proposal to create new assets and lower the CR of the commitee account to nearly 2 when the community consensus on the WP was that no new asset will be allowed to create if the Ratio is under 4 ?
That WP has been only approved because of that high CR ratio.
Who or what gave you the right to break the community consensus without even informing about it the community ?
Stop talking nonsense. Here is quote from original proposal of BitCrab (last edit in MARCH 2018)
2. operators need to take good care while operate with debt positions, as an initial rough principle, when BTS price is under 2CNY:
while collateral ratio > 4, borrowing more smartcoin is allowed.
while 4>collateral ratio>3, smartcoin income can be used to buy more BTS, but borrowing more smartcoin is not allowed.
while 3>collateral ratio, smartcoin income need to be used to reduce debt position, buying more BTS is not allowed.
There was already definition of
ratio above 4
under 4
under 3
and terms to stick to it.
Now please stop spamming forum, next post and thrashing other threads with your constant attacking will be reported to Admin/Moderator.