The output of get_market_history is not clear to me
get_market_history CNY USD 3600 "2018-05-01T00:00:00" "2018-05-01T01:00:00"
"id": "5.1.12235694",
"key": {
"base": "1.3.113",
"quote": "1.3.121",
"seconds": 3600,
"open": "2018-05-01T00:00:00"
"high_base": 64338003,
"high_quote": 9944051,
"low_base": 406092085,
"low_quote": 64255065,
"open_base": 28323635,
"open_quote": 4453332,
"close_base": 26721873,
"close_quote": 4172033,
"base_volume": "7940343294",
"quote_volume": 1243728680
for exampe how can
"high_quote": 9944051
"low_quote": 64255065
"open_quote": 4453332
be so far way from each other for this pair in one hour?
Do you have other idea to get historical data?
I tried uptick trades but got only few last trades.
Thank you