Who is the judge of what the correct fiat price is?
How did you calculate the 9% from the 2%? Could you elaborate that please?
当溢价负0.02时(折扣2%),加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1-0.02+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1^3=BTS市场价 *1,结论:目标达到理想状态,无需调整。
当溢价负0.01时(折扣1%),加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1-0.01+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.01^3=BTS市场价 *1.030301,结论:市场价提高3%,接近理想目标。
当溢价0时,加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.02^3=BTS市场价 *1.0612,结论:市场价提高约6%,很满意,也很安全。
当溢价0.01时,加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1.01+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.03^3=BTS市场价 *1.092727,结论:市场价提高约9.2%,满意,也很安全。
当溢价0.02时,加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1.02+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.04^3=BTS市场价 *1.125,结论:市场价提高约12%,满意,也安全。
当溢价0.03时,加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1.03+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.05^3=BTS市场价 *1.157,结论:市场价提高约15%,满意,也安全。
当溢价0.04时,加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1.04+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.06^3=BTS市场价 *1.191,结论:市场价提高约19%,满意,安全。
当溢价0.05时,加速因子喂3。理想喂价 = BTS市场价 * (1.05+0.02)^3=BTS市场价 *1.07^3=BTS市场价 *1.225,结论:市场价提高约22%,风险依然可控。
Exemplification of formula effect, loose target negative 2%, acceleration factor N=3
When the premium is negative 0.02 (discount 2%), the acceleration factor is 3. The ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1-0.02+0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1. Conclusion: The target is in an ideal state without adjustment.
When the premium is negative 0.01 (discount 1%), the acceleration factor is 3. Ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1-0.01+0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.01 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.030301, conclusion: the market price increases by 3%, close to the ideal target.
When the premium is 0, the acceleration factor is 3. Ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1 + 0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.02 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.0612, conclusion: the market price increase of about 6%, very satisfactory and safe.
When the premium is 0.01, the acceleration factor is 3. The ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1.01 + 0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.03 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.092727. Conclusion: The market price increases about 9.2%, satisfactory and safe.
When the premium is 0.02, the acceleration factor is 3. The ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1.02 + 0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.04 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.125. Conclusion: The market price increases about 12%, satisfactory and safe.
When the premium is 0.03, the acceleration factor is 3. The ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1.03 + 0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.05 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.157. Conclusion: The increase of market price is about 15%, satisfactory and safe.
When the premium is 0.04, the acceleration factor is 3. The ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1.04 + 0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.06 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.191. Conclusion: The market price increases about 19%, satisfactory and safe.
When the premium is 0.05, the acceleration factor is 3. The ideal feeding price = BTS market price * 1.05 + 0.02) ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.07 ^ 3 = BTS market price * 1.225, conclusion: the market price increases about 22%, the risk is still controllable.
We can see that with the constant increase of the premium parameters, the market price increases show a linear decline slowing down model.
In fact, if M = 0.02, that is, the easing index is 2%, the accelerating factor N = 3, such a formula, the premium is very difficult to exceed 1%. Because when the premium reaches 1%, the feed price rises by about 9.27% relative to the market price, which is equivalent to the MSSR of "0". That is to say, the explosive warehouse receipt no longer has a "suppressive" effect on the price of the internal market, at this time the internal market is fully motivated and the external market to maintain a "consistent" price. If the internal and external prices tend to be flat, the premium will disappear.
Conclusion: If the easing index M = 0.02, that is, the easing target 2%, the accelerating factor N = 3, then the theoretical premium will not exceed 2%.