Author Topic: The 1st SEER weekly report  (Read 3188 times)

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SEER Weekly Report
A. Project development schedule
The public beta was launched on January 31, The first publicly available version of the Windows and Ubuntu version of the command wallet, and supporting Witness Experience Guide can improve the screening mechanism for the block.

(Command wallet witnesses out of the block)

2. The function development and debugging of the GUI wallet is completed, and all the basic functions are tested. This includes registering accounts, asset functions (create, update, issue, etc.), transferring funds, creating platforms, creating oracles, creating rooms, participating in quizzes, and more.

3. The logo of the GUI wallet, web wallet, and installation package is added.

(GUI wallet predicts room page)

(GUI oracle page)

4. The construction of the SEER test version registration.
To be improved:
1. Room details page content: history, current bet details
2. The logo of the installation version client does not appear.
3. Optimize the GUI to improve performance, ease of use and aesthetics

B. Front-end development progress
1.On March 24th, Mr. Wu Gang, SEER investor and the founder of PowerFans, participated in the blockchain science popularization of Hangzhou Station in Hangzhou, and delivered a speech on How to Apply the Blockchain Project.

2. SEER participated in the platform to vote for the token activities, up to the current number of 2,298,228, ranked second.

(Sweep after registration, thank you for your support of SEER)

3. SEER successfully landed and reached a cooperation with the famous event “Long Yao Oriental·2018 World Free Fight Championship”.
The famous domestic Sanda player "Wei Feng Shao Xia" Zhang Kaiyin is one of the initiators of Long Yao Oriental. There are many Chinese players in the lineup: "Ru Yunlong" Dong Wenfei, "Cold Killer" Li Ning, "Fire Kirin" Xu Wei, three first-line players confirmed the "Long Yao Oriental" opener.

("Long Yao Oriental · 2018 World Free Fight Championship" site)

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