recently, bitCNY price feed is always 1%-2%+ lower than DEX price, at the same time , bitCNY still has an about 0.3% premium.
as bitCNY has a 2% force settlement offset, this provide chances for speculators to exploit debt position owners, this is not reasonable.
and at the same time, we heard many traders complained that the witnesses doing bad in price feeding, and this unconvinced them that BTS worth trust.
I feel we need to pay more attention on this, and need to review how to guarantee the price feed well enough.
my first consideration is that, we need to give the DEX price more weight, because:
1. price feed are serving DEX margin trading, naturally DEX price should have most weight.
2.DEX BTS/bitCNY pair has the biggest volume without any faking.
3.BTS/bitCNY is the closest price we can get, and is most direct, prices from other CEXs need always convert from USDT/BTC, many distortion there.
but at the same time, we cannot depend only on DEX price, as there's possibility that whales borrowed and manipulate market.
I suggest such an CNY price feeding algorithm for reference:
Pdex: DEX price that has been modified by bitCNY premium/discount factor
Pcex: price get from CEX
if Pdex>1.2*Pcex: ## to cope with unusual exreme issues.
Pfeed = Pcex
Pfeed = max(Pcex, Pdex)