Up to now bitEUR has poor liquidity.
I don't know whether bitEUR can grow up, but I believe we need to give bitEUR a chance, while both bitCNY and bitUSD have experienced changes on parameters, bitEUR also need similar change, otherwise bitEUR will have no chance to compete with bitCNY and bitUSD.
The first poll is on Global Settlement Protection implementation on bitEUR, reference Doc:
https://github.com/bitshares/bsips/blob/master/bsip-0058.md1.14.192 Poll-BSIP58-Apply GS Protection on bitEUR
1.14.193 Poll-BSIP58-Do Not Apply GS Protection on bitEUR
The second poll is on reducing MCR of bitEUR to 1.6, reference Doc:
https://github.com/bitshares/bsips/blob/master/bsip-0059.md1.14.194 Poll - BSIP59 - Reduce MCR of bitEUR to 1.6
1.14.195 Poll - BSIP59 - Do Not Reduce MCR of bitEUR
The third poll is on reducing MSSR of bitEUR to 1.02:
1.14.196 Poll - BSIP59 - Reduce MSSR of bitEUR to 1.02
1.14.197 Poll - BSIP59 - Do Not Reduce MSSR of bitEUR
Approvement on "1.14.192 Poll-BSIP58-Apply GS Protection on bitEUR" is the precondition for the other 2 changes to be allowed.
Please vote according to your opinion.