Author Topic: Suggestion on increasing holdings of BTS  (Read 2499 times)

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Suggestion on increasing holdings of BTS

In the past months, Bitshares experienced a lot of big changes, including the implementation of global settlement protection, the optimization of MCR and MSSR of main smartcoins, these changes made BTS and smartcoins much more robust to resist shorting attack. in the next step, market fee sharing feature is ready and will be active in main smartcoins,  new features like close long positions, lending for margin trading are also on the road.

Bitshares is a DeFi platform on blockchain, it covers DEX, stable coin, payment and asset issue and management, after long time running in market, the feature portfolios become more and more abundant, the financial design become more and more robust, at the time that the DeFi evolve from concept to practice, Bitshares poised to run.

After an estimation on Bitshares’ potential and the market status, we conclude that BTS is obviously under estimated in the market, so we suggest community to increase holdings on BTS.

We suggest committee to buy more BTS with accumulated market fees of smartcoins.

We suggest spring fund to positively increase BTS holdings based on careful self estimation.

We believe that the updated smart coin rules are much more robust to resist shorting attack, we suggest constitutions and individuals with fund strength to increase BTS holdings, we suggest you to manage your BTS positions in BTS wallet, we suggest BTS holders to borrow appropriate quantity of smartcoins based on your risk control infrastructure, to increase BTS holdings and release more smart coin supply to markets as well. We also strongly suggest you to participate the market fee sharing plan, to invite new users to join the BTS community, to push BTS ecosystem to grow rapidly and share the profits.

We suggest everyone who will increase holdings of BTS to explain your plan in this thread, it will be better if you would like to publish your BTS accounts, to let us know each other better.

We hope that we can introduce more than 5 million USD on increasing BTS holdings in the next 3 months.
Bitshares worth millions of people to understand and use, Let’s work together to make it happen!

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