I always supported the initiative of cn-vote thinking its a great initiative.
But since Bitprofessor left it seems cn-vote is changing radicly in a bad direction.
Vote buying is nothing i support.
Asking Witnesses for profit share to receive your vote is shady.
And using reserve funds to pay for votes is also shady.
Am not supporting this direction cn-vote is moving.
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding caused by the language barrier.
Here are some explanations for you on behalf of cn-vote Union
1:Cn-vote isn't changing radicly in a bad direction.On the contrary, it is moving towards professionalism,
democracy and unity.We are a spontaneous organization.
The Bitprofessor didn't really leave. He just became a member of the committee. Because of the rules of the
cn-vote union, he had to quit the cn-vote union.The Bitprofessor has devoted a lot of effort to the cn-
vote union and has been paying close attention to the cn-vote union's affairs.
2:We don't want to use reserve funds to pay for votes,Our idea has always been to protect reserve funds.
And what we have done is obvious to all.That's why you've been supporting us.