Author Topic: BitShares Newsletter / 比特股快报 - 09/05/2019 (English & 中文)  (Read 7490 times)

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BitShares Newsletter / 比特股快报 - 09/05/2019 (English & 中文)

1. The cn-vote Union published their announcement: In the current bearish market, the BTS price has been low for a long time. They believe it is time for the DAC to cut the expense and reduce inflation. Therefore, the cn-vote Union members have concluded an agreement to Re-evaluate and Review their support of Worker Proposals.

Cn-vote 工会发布最新公告:由于市场低迷,BTS 价值长期在低位徘徊。Cn-vote 工会表示对于 DAC 来说是时候削减费用并减少通货膨胀。因此,cn-vote 工会成员一致同意,将对其支持的部分工作提案进行重新审核。

2. The 2nd Global Graphene Blockchain Developer Conference was successfully hosted by GBAC (Graphene Blockchain Application Center) on July 6-7, 2019 at Grand Kempinski Shanghai. Over 50+ projects, 40+ media, 20+ exchanges, and 20+ investment institutes attended the conference. BitShare community representatives Jerry Liu (Bitcrab), Annemieke, Ryan R. Fox delivered keynote speeches at the event.

由石墨烯区块链应用中心(GBAC)主办的第二届全球石墨烯区块链开发者大会于 2019 年 7 月 6 - 7 日在上海外滩凯宾斯基大酒店成功举办。本次大会围绕着石墨烯相关的项目和应用做了深入的讨论,共有 50+ 著名项目方, 40+ 媒体,20+ 交易所,20+ 投资机构出席。巨蟹、Annemieke、Ryan R. Fox 等比特股社区代表在大会上做了演讲。

3. The BitShares UI team continues advancing the wallet with new BitShares features and functionality. The major updates include Hash Time-Locked Contracts, Awareness Alerts, Direct Debit Authorization, Market Fee Sharing, Improved Interface, and Themes.

比特股 UI 团队不断完善 UI 钱包(Wallet UI)功能。最新版本主要增加了:哈希时间锁定合约(HTLC)、黑客攻击警告、直接付款授权(Direct Debit Authorization)、交易手续费分成等功能,同时也升级了 UI 钱包的界面与主题来提高用户体验。

4. BitShares decided to join the 3rd annual Decentralized Conference (Decentralized 2019) as a premium sponsor. Decentralized 2019, presented by the University of Nicosia, has established as Europe’s premier conference on blockchain and digital currencies, which will take place in Athens, Greece, on 30 October – 1 November 2019.

比特股已作为最高等级赞助商加入第三届「去中心化峰会」(Decentralized 2019)。活动将于雅典时间 2019 年 10 月 30 日至 11 月 1 日举行。此次峰会由尼科西亚大学主办,并已成为整个欧洲区块链和数字货币领域的最重要的顶级会议。

5. BitShares will continue to join in and support our Graphene sister chain in SteemFest 2019. The event schedule has been lined up for Bangkok, Thailand, from November 6 to November 10, 2019. The goal of this participation is to promote Bitshares blockchain and ecosystem during this Graphene-oriented community event.

比特股将继续支持并参与 2019 年 11 月 6 日至 10 日在泰国曼谷举行的 SteemFest 2019 峰会。此次参会的主要目的是向石墨烯社区活动参与者宣传比特股区块链及比特股生态系统。

6. Ryan R. Fox, Development Coordinator of BitShares introduced the BitShares Core Team 2019 Development Roadmap, and future of blockchain on the 2nd Global Graphene Blockchain Developer Conference on July 7th, 2019 in Shanghai. The coverage article has been published on Reuters.

比特股开发协调员 Ryan R. Fox 在 2019 年 7 月 7 日于上海举行的第二届全球石墨烯开发者大会上演讲,介绍了比特股 Core 开发团队的发展路线图和区块链行业的未来。相关报道文章已被路透社收录并发布。

7. On July 25, 2019, Ryan R. Fox, Development Coordinator of BitShares was invited to give an AMA discussion about the BitShares decentralized financial services protocol at the Boston Ethereum Developers Meetup.

2019 年 7 月 25 日, 比特股开发协调员 Ryan R. Fox 受邀参加了波士顿以太坊开发者分享会。Fox 向现场与会者介绍了比特股去中心化金融服务协议并展开讨论。

8. In response to CoinMarketCap’s new Data Accountability & Transparency Alliance (DATA) requirements, Bitshares community embarked on a discussion via the official forum. The division of tasks and related GitHub activities are now underway. Accordingly, completing the API is the community’s highest current priority. The BitShares community will continue working toward meeting the remaining DATA requirements in a timely manner.

为了支持 CoinMarketCap 加密数据透明联盟(DATA)的新规则,比特股社区目前把完成 API 的更新设为首要任务。DATA 的新规则发布后,比特股社区积极开展讨论并进行任务划分和相关的 GitHub 活动。未来,比特股社区将继续努力并积极配合加密数据透明联盟的新规则。

9. From August 6th, 2019,  Enterprise Digital Alliance ( EDA) program dropped one million EDA Token as Pathfinder Fund to Bitshares community. EDA believes that BitShares is the first decentralized exchange and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO), with rich experience in DAO governance, and is expected to jointly commit to EDA ecological construction with BitShares in the future.

EDA 项目于 8 月 6 日起,将 100 万 EDA Token 作为探路者基金定向比特股社区进行空投。EDA 认为,比特股区块链作为全球首个去中心交易所以及去中心化自治组织(DAO),拥有丰富的 DAO 治理经验,未来有望共同致力于 EDA 的生态建设。

10. Announced earlier via Twitter and their website, ZBG added BTS and bitCNY to their exchange, and enabled the BTS/USDT and bitCNY/QC trading pairs. The listing also strengthens the bond between the English and Chinese community.

ZBG 在其推特和官网宣布,BTS 和 bitCNY 已上线 ZBG 交易所,并开放了BTS/USDT 和 bitCNY/QC 的交易。此次上线也加强了中英文社区之间的纽带。

11. BitShares Core released 3.3.0 version. The release brings some much-needed upgrades to existing features, even better performance, and extensions to new features such as HTLC. It is being recommended for both API and developer node operators and the block producers (DPoS ‘Witnesses‘) which validate the network transactions but does not include any changes to the consensus protocol. Check out more upgrade sources on GitHub.

比特股 Core 推出 3.3.0 版本。该版本提供了更好的性能,并对哈希时间锁定合约(HTLC) 等新功能进行了扩展。建议 API 和开发者节点运营者、验证网络交易的区块生产者(DPoS 见证人)升级;该版本不包括对共识协议的任何更改。更多更新信息请查看 GitHub。

12. The withdrawal and deposit of BTS are available again on the Poloniex exchange. A reminder to all recognized third party exchanges listing BTS. BitShares blockchain appreciates your support in listing our core utility token. Therefore exchanges can always reach out to the BitShares team were in need of technical assistance.

据 Poloniex 消息, Poloniex 交易所的 BTS 提现与充值服务已修复完成。感谢所有上线了 BTS 的交易所对比特股支持,如需技术援助,可随时联系比特股团队。

13. Cnvote Token is the only official global token issued by Cn-vote Union based on the point system. The system is issued and managed on BitShares Blockchain aiming to provide benefits for its members. The total amount of Cnvote Token is 1.2 billion. Recently, Cn-vote Union announced that from September 1, 2019, it will airdrop 100 million Cnvote Token each month to all persons who proxy to cn-vote, of which 10% is used to support the union’s operation. The number of airdrops per month will be halved every six months.

Cnvote Token 是由 Cn-vote 工会发行的唯一全球通用积分, 是基于比特股区块链发行和管理的积分系统,旨在为其工会成员提供福利。Cnvote Token 的总量为 12 亿。近日,Cn-vote 工会宣布,2019 年 9 月 1 日起,将逐月免费空投 1 亿枚 Token 给将 BTS 投票权代理给工会的所有人, 其中 10% 用于补贴公会的运营工作。空投数量将在每 6 个月减半一次。

14. Baicheng Baidian Project led by Chinese community member Guoan has finished the development of its mobile app and WeChat mini-program ”Baicheng Lian” (100-city chain). It will begin its test-run this September. Baicheng Lian is a platform for local businesses including restaurant delivery, retailing, etc.

由比特股中国社区成员国安发起的 “百城百店” 项目已经完成了 “百城链” App 和微信小程序的开发工作,将于 9 月份开始实际测试。“百城链” 是一个本地服务商业平台,主要为用户提供包括点外卖、零售等本地服务。

15. BitShares Prediction Markets developed independent page:


16. GOC has launched BitShares DEX. Tutorial link:

GOC 现已上线比特股去中心化交易所,教程链接:

17. IRISnet cooperated with GDEX, a well-known gateway and exchange project on BitShares, and introduced bitCNY on BitShares to IRIS Hub through GDEX gateway. After the implementation of the Cross-Chain Communication Protocol IBC, bitCNY will enter the entire CosmosNetwork via IRIS Hub and become a stablecoin that was pegged to the value of a Chinese Yuan,and be used throughout the network.

IRISnet 与比特股网络上著名的网关和交易所项目 GDEX 开展合作,通过 GDEX 网关把比特股网络上的 bitCNY 稳定币引入到 IRIS Hub。在跨链通信协议 IBC 实现之后,bitCNY 将经由 IRIS Hub 进入整个 CosmosNetwork,成为全网都可使用的锚定人民币的稳定币。

*Thanks for providing the Information 特别感谢快报信息提供者: Ryan.R.Fox, Boston Ethereum Developers Meetup, Stefan Schiessl, Alex Megalokonomos, Roeland P Lanparty, Reuters, Scott Wehman, News,, ZBG, Michel Santos, Ross Walker, Cn-vote, XiaoNingDaDa, Guoan, etc.

Newsletter Editors 快报作者:
Tong Shen, BitShares Core Team / Spark Blockchain (星火区块链)
Shirley Dai, U.S. Blockchain (区块北美)
Linda Tian, BitShares Core Team / GBAC (全球石墨烯区块链应用中心)