A thought experiment about bitshares:
Let's suppose 1Bts = 1 USD.
Joe has 1000 bts which represent 1000 votes to him on the Bitshares ecosystem.
Joe uses his bts to borrow 500 bitUSD at a CR=2
He then uses those 500 bitUSD to buy 500 bts. Now he has a voting power of 1500 on the ecosystem.
He now uses this 500 bts to borrow 250 BitUSD and buy more bts. His voting power now is 1750.
And so on, and so forth.
Eventually, with an investment of 1000 bts Joe duplicates his voting power.
When bts price goes down, Joe uses his newly acquired (and created out of thin air) voting power to coerce every witness into faking the price-feed and into breaking the Peg.
He also wants the MCR to be brought down to 1.1 instead of 1.6. He has found that, with such low MCR, his initial 1000USD could be converted to 10K worth of voting power.
He argues that because he IS the community, he has right to change the rules. He argues that because he IS the community, he must not keep the deals he agreed upon at the moment of opening his debt positions.
Other businesses and people that rely on BitAssests trustworthiness, are also part of the community but, of course, they are not AS important.
Bitshares brand may also be damaged by the move, but that's not AS important.
Now, with an altered price-feed, Joe can go into as much as debt as he wants. For, he will never be margin called, forever. Ever creating more and more shitty BitUSD.
Question #1: Who is Joe?
Question #2: Do you think Joe will stop here?
Answer to question #1: Joe is any weak spirit who falls prey of his greediness and the wrong set of incentives. If, according to the Bitshares protocol, voting power can be created out of thin air, at the sole expense of borrowing BitAssets into existence then, by the law of probability, somebody will exactly do as Joe.
So, what's the conclusion? The whole process of SmartAssets creation need to be re-designed. The collateral is not held by the debtor but by the blockchain as a guarantee. Thence, its voting power cannot be held by the debtor either. Also, if any given entity can increase its voting power by creating debt then, as a consequence, the decision making of the blockchain is being transferred to the most impulsive and risk avid individuals. This must not be the case, if we pretend this blockchain to grow strong.
Answer to question #2: No