Author Topic: [ANN] cpuminer-opt v3.10.2, open source optimized multi-algo CPU miner  (Read 2384 times)

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This is the home of cpuminer-opt, The optimized CPU miner.


Source code and Windows binaries can be downloaded from mega.!wCJCyYoS!A1b9TpVKZrnYCaCkUAnTqQ - download


AVX512 added for bmw512, c11, phi1612 (phi), qubit, skunk, x11, x11gost (sib).

Fixed c11 AVX2 invalid shares.


AVX512 for blake2b, nist5, quark, tribus.

More broken lane fixes, fixed buffer overflow in skein AVX512, fixed
quark invalid shares AVX2.

Only the highest ranking feature in a class is listed at startup, lower ranking
features are available but no longer listed.


AVX-512 is now supported on selected algos, Windows binary is now available.
AVX-512 optimizations are available for argon2d, blake2s, keccak, keccakc, skein & skein2.

Fixed CPU temperature for some CPU models (Linux only).

Fixed a bug that caused some lanes not to submit shares.

Fixed some previously undetected buffer overflows.

Lyra2rev2 3% faster SSE2 and AVX2.

Added "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables" to AVX512 build script for Windows to fix known mingw issue.

New in v3.9.11

Added x22i & x25x algos.

Blake2s 2% faster AVX2 with Intel CPU, slower with Ryzen v1, v2 ?

New in v3.9.10

Faster X* algos with AVX2.
Small improvements to summary stats report.


1. A x86_64 architecture CPU with a minimum of SSE2 support. This includes Intel Core2 and newer and AMD equivalents.
In order to take advantage of AES_NI optimizations a CPU with AES_NI is required. This includes Intel Westmere and newer
and AMD equivalents. Further optimizations are available on some algos for CPUs with AVX and AVX2, Sandybridge and
Haswell respectively.

32 bit CPUs and ARM CPUs are not supported.

2. 64 bit Linux OS. Ubuntu and Fedora based distributions, including Mint and Centos are known to work and have all
dependencies in their repositories. Others may work but may require more effort.

64 bit Windows OS is supported using the pre-compiled binaries package or may be compiled with mingw_w64 and msys.

Apple and Android operating systems are not supported.

Older CPUs, other architectures and operating systems may be supported by TPruvot's cpuminer-multi.

Security warning

Miner programs are often flagged as malware by antivirus programs. This is a false positive, they are flagged simply
because they are cryptocurrency miners. The source code is open for anyone to inspect. If you don't trust the software,
don't use it.

Some cryptographic code has been taken from trusted sources but has been modified for speed at the expense of
accepted security practices. This code should not be imported into applications where secure cryptography is


Cryptonight and variants are no longer supported.

Neoscrypt crashes on Windows, use legacy version.

Hodl requires a CPU with AES, use legacy version if without.

Benchmark testing does not work on several algos.


cpuminer-opt has no fees of any kind but donations are accepted.

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