I have an honest question: Why are people so scared of PTS price swings? Yesterday's price drop was evidence that the market values BitShares XT; it reflects the fact that PTS after Feb 28 are literally worth less than PTS pre-Feb 28 because they don't entitle the bearer to BitShares X. Why is that scary?
I think the benefits of transparency (e.g., Invictus making public announcements of shapshot dates) far outweigh the benefits of a more stable price of PTS. Can you imagine the criticism Invictus would receive if we all wake up one morning and they announce that there was a snapshot yesterday? People who wanted in to that venture would feel cheated, people who didn't want in (i.e., wanted to sell pre-snapshot to reinvest at a lower price post-snapshot) would feel cheated; who exactly would benefit from this scenario?