30th July will come and BTS 4.0 will be on chain, community and committee need to consider the setting of the 2 new features - margin call fee and force settlement fee.
suppose let the fee rate be 1% and let the setting give minimum influence to other features, we can have an easy idea as below:
for margin call fee:
bitCNY: set MCFR = 1%, MSSR = 1.02
bitUSD: set MCFR = 1%, MSSR = 1.02
bitEUR: set MCFR = 1%, MSSR = 1.02
bitRUBLE: set MCFR = 1%, MSSR = 1.02, MCR = 1.6 or MCFR=1%, MSSR=1.09
comments: after implementation of BSIP74, margin_call_order_price = median_feed_price / (MSSR - MCFR), so set MCFR = 1%, MSSR = 1 will make the margin call order price = feed price/1.01 for bitCNY,USD and EUR, as before.
for force settlement fee:
bitCNY: set FSFP=1%, FSO = 1%
bitUSD: set FSFP=1%
bitEUR: set FSFP=1%
bitRUBLE: set FSFP=1%
comments: currently FSO(force settlement offset) of the 4 main bitAssets are all 1% except that bitCNY has a FSO of 2%, reduce FSO as 1% and at the same time set a 1% FSFP will make force settlement price almost unchanged.