Author Topic: Takeover?  (Read 7858 times)

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Offline MaxPWR

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MMC always had a different version of the 51% attack over new block awards via accumulation in the voting system and/or mud-slinging ("disliked" campaign promises / methods) in the voting system.  We saw this in the ugliness of the early elections.  In my opinion, this is mainly why Levine detests premining. (But, I believe FT held back on voting initialliy - admirable and not required, and dilution weakens that problem)...

I tried to pitch an initial "Charity for World Domination" was a misunderstood pitch for a sideways comic pitch for a "let's research / discuss in an academic sense" methods, processes, etc to "accumulate" or "threaten" this attack...

The "paid team of developers, marketers, etc" on the .org page isn't just the paid officers - It's anyone who receives praise or approval by the officers through votes, tips, donations, payments, etc traceable to an address owned by the community elected user / individual / screen name - i.e., MVTEcXo.  You can rank these payments - 1 vote per user, vote by balance, from officer personal through MVTE address, from MVTE new block awards, etc...

After all, I think the "new block awards" are really more "taxes for community project funding paid for by officers to MMC community members".

As the price falls, these threats will rise again (accumulation will become easier)....or people will have real democratic campaigns, if you prefer.... but the threat of a robo-takeover rises with a non-engaged public...we need a MTV vote campaign, not a MVTE campaign...

But, the return on time / effort reduces twice as much as supply and price falls, so good luck, but maybe it can inspire the Officers. 

Also, if you "rank" the source of your payments ("new block awards from Freetrade" vs. "new block awards from some bot that had a short hostile takeover"), then maybe you can charge more in a person-to-person trade?  Or, maybe the opposite - charge more to new block awards traceable to certain takeover methods.  These are really financial social engineering maneuvers  / attacks against our community integrity that we need to protect against. Defense against this requires a "network security" consisting of user / voter account analysis combined with targeted marketing / etc...

If someone pulls off a political MMC version of Captain Kirk's Kobayashi Maryu maneuver...maybe those MMC are worth more :)

There are about 2500 MMC users with accounts over $1, and about 250 MMC users with accounts over $50:

Is the top 1% interested in a takeover?

Let's assume the top 5 are corporate. 25 seems like a decent range (1% of 2500 = 10% of 250 users).  Other funds are probably available on exchanges and /or other currencies...

So, anyone from # 5 to # 30 on this list interest in a takeover?

I can de-stablize about 25% of any cXo's current votes...
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline bcboy

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The address belongs to bter

I see. That makes sense.

Offline BTChris

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Does nobody else feel concerned that there is one wallet out there that has more than 50% of all available MMC? It certainly makes me question the long-term viability of this project...

The address belongs to bter

Offline bcboy

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Does nobody else feel concerned that there is one wallet out there that has more than 50% of all available MMC? It certainly makes me question the long-term viability of this project...

Offline ManeBjorn

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Definitely interesting news.  I wonder where this is going to go and where it came from.
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Offline Delinquency

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This large stake will be good for the coin. The developers will have to admirably respond to this person's voting power.

Large stock holders are allowed to join meetings for future concerns of a company.

However, I'm concerned that he's not willing to shoot MMC up again. The market price is illiquid for alt-coins. If you buy 500K MMC it will very well go up in price because of the heightened demand and lack of MMC available at certain levels.

Offline tomorrow

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Wow, big news indeed

I am not sure he will take over all the board. Maybe he left you as CTO :D
Vote for seraphim to lead a team of supporters as MMC CSO
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Offline FreeTrade

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Hmmm - someone looking to buy 500K MMC

 . . . that's about 9.2% of the currently issued coin and would allow the holder to control the whole board and charity award. Could be interesting.
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