Author Topic: Mining on Linux instructions?  (Read 41558 times)

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Offline superresistant

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2013, 12:43:57 pm »
Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.

I still got this on :
Ubuntu 12.04 x32
Ubuntu 13.10 x64

Ubuntu 10.04 x64 can't even get the git.

Offline superresistant

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #59 on: November 15, 2013, 11:00:25 am »
After further investigation, it appears some of the libraries in Ubuntu 13.10 are too new and incompatible with Bitcoin. Unfortunately, the maintainer of the Ubuntu PPA for the correct versions has not yet added a package for 13.10.

can anyone tell what linux version should I use ?
the last Ubuntu doesn't work so which one please ?

Offline yago

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2013, 12:46:33 pm »
I have got this running on Ubuntu 12.04 but it seems unable to connect to the network, I just get heaps of

trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 162.243.***.4:3888 lastseen=90.7hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused

(I censored a little the IPs)

Is there a new peers.dat file?

Hi Bob,

Check this:  <---- Donate to the BitShares Forum ----> PforumPLfVQXTi4QpQqKwoChXHkoHcxGuA

Offline bob

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2013, 10:36:55 am »
I have got this running on Ubuntu 12.04 but it seems unable to connect to the network, I just get heaps of

trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 162.243.***.4:3888 lastseen=90.7hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused
trying connection 37.139.29.***:3888 lastseen=137.1hrs
connect() failed after select(): Connection refused

(I censored a little the IPs)

Is there a new peers.dat file?

Offline wsbltc

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2013, 02:43:03 pm »
Is there anybody know how to install protoshares on Centos Os? Only I find the instruction on Debian or Ubutu.

Offline c0ldfusi0nz

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2013, 04:25:53 pm »
After further investigation, it appears some of the libraries in Ubuntu 13.10 are too new and incompatible with Bitcoin. Unfortunately, the maintainer of the Ubuntu PPA for the correct versions has not yet added a package for 13.10.

Offline c0ldfusi0nz

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2013, 03:50:22 pm »
Having issues compiling on Ubuntu 13.10. All dependencies listed in doc/readme-qt.rst have been installed.

Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.
Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT: widgets

Code: [Select]
build/bitcoin.o: In function `boost::thread_group::join_all()':
bitcoin.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost12thread_group8join_allEv[_ZN5boost12thread_group8join_allEv]+0x45): undefined reference to `boost::thread::join()'
build/bitcoin.o: In function `main':
bitcoin.cpp:(.text.startup+0x19b): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::status(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
build/alert.o: In function `boost::thread::thread<void (*)(std::string), std::string>(void (*)(std::string), std::string)':
alert.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost6threadC2IPFvSsESsEET_T0_[_ZN5boost6threadC5IPFvSsESsEET_T0_]+0x2f7): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
build/util.o: In function `GetDefaultDataDir()':
util.cpp:(.text+0x1533): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
util.cpp:(.text+0x15a2): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::wchar_t_codecvt_facet()'
build/util.o: In function `GetTempPath()':
util.cpp:(.text+0x1d0b): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::temp_directory_path(boost::system::error_code*)'
build/util.o: In function `GetDataDir(bool)':
util.cpp:(.text+0x301f): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::system_complete(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
util.cpp:(.text+0x3069): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::status(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
util.cpp:(.text+0x30d4): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::create_directory(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
util.cpp:(.text+0x31e4): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(char const*)'
build/util.o: In function `OutputDebugStringF(char const*, ...)':
util.cpp:(.text+0x356d): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
build/util.o: In function `NewThread(void (*)(void*), void*)':
util.cpp:(.text+0x3c09): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
build/util.o: In function `DebugPrintInit()':
util.cpp:(.text+0x3f78): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
build/util.o: In function `GetConfigFile()':
util.cpp:(.text+0x4199): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::root_directory() const'
util.cpp:(.text+0x41f5): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
build/util.o: In function `GetPidFile()':
util.cpp:(.text+0x4399): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::root_directory() const'
util.cpp:(.text+0x43f8): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
build/util.o: In function `ShrinkDebugFile()':
util.cpp:(.text+0x4542): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
build/main.o: In function `OpenDiskFile(CDiskBlockPos const&, char const*, bool)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x21d4): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
main.cpp:(.text+0x2212): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
main.cpp:(.text+0x228d): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::parent_path() const'
main.cpp:(.text+0x2299): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::create_directories(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
build/main.o: In function `GenerateBitcoins(bool, CWallet*)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x5dd8): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
build/main.o: In function `CheckDiskSpace(unsigned long long)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x10b24): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::space(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
build/main.o: In function `BitcoinMiner(CWallet*)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x1d192): undefined reference to `boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::ptime const&)'
build/init.o: In function `Shutdown()':
init.cpp:(.text+0xe65): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::remove(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
build/init.o: In function `DetectShutdownThread(boost::thread_group*)':
init.cpp:(.text+0x1222): undefined reference to `boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::ptime const&)'
build/init.o: In function `AppInit2(boost::thread_group&)':
init.cpp:(.text+0x7948): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
init.cpp:(.text+0x7ac0): undefined reference to `CDBEnv::Open(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
init.cpp:(.text+0x7bb8): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::rename(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
init.cpp:(.text+0x7beb): undefined reference to `CDBEnv::Open(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
init.cpp:(.text+0x8e67): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::create_directories(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
init.cpp:(.text+0x8f10): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::create_hard_link(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
build/init.o: In function `boost::filesystem3::operator/(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::filesystem3::path const&)':
init.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost11filesystem3dvERKNS0_4pathES3_[_ZN5boost11filesystem3dvERKNS0_4pathES3_]+0x2f): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::operator/=(boost::filesystem3::path const&)'
build/init.o: In function `boost::filesystem3::exists(boost::filesystem3::path const&)':
init.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost11filesystem36existsERKNS0_4pathE[_ZN5boost11filesystem36existsERKNS0_4pathE]+0x17): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::detail::status(boost::filesystem3::path const&, boost::system::error_code*)'
build/init.o: In function `boost::thread* boost::thread_group::create_thread<boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void (*)(std::vector<boost::filesystem3::path, std::allocator<boost::filesystem3::path> >), boost::_bi::list1<boost::_bi::value<std::vector<boost::filesystem3::path, std::allocator<boost::filesystem3::path> > > > > >(boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void (*)(std::vector<boost::filesystem3::path, std::allocator<boost::filesystem3::path> >), boost::_bi::list1<boost::_bi::value<std::vector<boost::filesystem3::path, std::allocator<boost::filesystem3::path> > > > >)':
init.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost12thread_group13create_threadINS_3_bi6bind_tIvPFvSt6vectorINS_11filesystem34pathESaIS6_EEENS2_5list1INS2_5valueIS8_EEEEEEEEPNS_6threadET_[_ZN5boost12thread_group13create_threadINS_3_bi6bind_tIvPFvSt6vectorINS_11filesystem34pathESaIS6_EEENS2_5list1INS2_5valueIS8_EEEEEEEEPNS_6threadET_]+0x166): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
build/init.o: In function `boost::thread* boost::thread_group::create_thread<boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void (*)(std::string const&), boost::_bi::list1<boost::reference_wrapper<std::string> > > >(boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void (*)(std::string const&), boost::_bi::list1<boost::reference_wrapper<std::string> > >)':
init.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost12thread_group13create_threadINS_3_bi6bind_tIvPFvRKSsENS2_5list1INS_17reference_wrapperISsEEEEEEEEPNS_6threadET_[_ZN5boost12thread_group13create_threadINS_3_bi6bind_tIvPFvRKSsENS2_5list1INS_17reference_wrapperISsEEEEEEEEPNS_6threadET_]+0xec): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
build/db.o: In function `CAddrDB::Write(CAddrMan const&)':
db.cpp:(.text+0xbb3): undefined reference to `RenameOver(boost::filesystem::path, boost::filesystem::path)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [protoshares-qt] Error 1

Offline smith88

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2013, 05:56:35 am »
Yes, there is much work to be done on the algorithm implementation.  It is clearly not thread safe (Crashing all of the time) and has no ability to cancel mid-hash.

The crashes I'm hearing of on Windows are all to do with memory allocation - either allocating too many threads (or switching causing too much allocation) - not seeing any thread safety issues. My i3770 has been mining full blast for 24hrs or so, supporting 500 connections, no issues yet.

very good to know, thanks. when do you estimate difficulty change?  which block approx?

2016, about 5 to 10 minutes :)
excellent! :)

We forgot to adjust to from bitcoins default... it will adjust at block 4032, another 22 hours or less.

ok good good.  gives me time to sleep and work on my new setup.  i strongly support this, kind of reminds me of when bitcoin launched.  the nostalgia i suppose.
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Offline bytemaster

Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2013, 05:49:41 am »
Yes, there is much work to be done on the algorithm implementation.  It is clearly not thread safe (Crashing all of the time) and has no ability to cancel mid-hash.

The crashes I'm hearing of on Windows are all to do with memory allocation - either allocating too many threads (or switching causing too much allocation) - not seeing any thread safety issues. My i3770 has been mining full blast for 24hrs or so, supporting 500 connections, no issues yet.

very good to know, thanks. when do you estimate difficulty change?  which block approx?

2016, about 5 to 10 minutes :)
excellent! :)

We forgot to adjust to from bitcoins default... it will adjust at block 4032, another 22 hours or less.
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline smith88

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2013, 05:36:53 am »
Yes, there is much work to be done on the algorithm implementation.  It is clearly not thread safe (Crashing all of the time) and has no ability to cancel mid-hash.

The crashes I'm hearing of on Windows are all to do with memory allocation - either allocating too many threads (or switching causing too much allocation) - not seeing any thread safety issues. My i3770 has been mining full blast for 24hrs or so, supporting 500 connections, no issues yet.

very good to know, thanks. when do you estimate difficulty change?  which block approx?

2016, about 5 to 10 minutes :)
excellent! :)
PTS:  Pv5uGw6APp4UweLE8J1piqWM2i5xFGUHij
BTC:  1B2vsiqJhh5W1mrfJNcC4Zu2kWG3mWzJft

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2013, 05:31:21 am »
Difficulty did not change...
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Offline bytemaster

Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2013, 05:15:45 am »
Yes, there is much work to be done on the algorithm implementation.  It is clearly not thread safe (Crashing all of the time) and has no ability to cancel mid-hash.

The crashes I'm hearing of on Windows are all to do with memory allocation - either allocating too many threads (or switching causing too much allocation) - not seeing any thread safety issues. My i3770 has been mining full blast for 24hrs or so, supporting 500 connections, no issues yet.

very good to know, thanks. when do you estimate difficulty change?  which block approx?

2016, about 5 to 10 minutes :)
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline smith88

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2013, 05:14:39 am »
Yes, there is much work to be done on the algorithm implementation.  It is clearly not thread safe (Crashing all of the time) and has no ability to cancel mid-hash.

The crashes I'm hearing of on Windows are all to do with memory allocation - either allocating too many threads (or switching causing too much allocation) - not seeing any thread safety issues. My i3770 has been mining full blast for 24hrs or so, supporting 500 connections, no issues yet.

very good to know, thanks. when do you estimate difficulty change?  which block approx?
PTS:  Pv5uGw6APp4UweLE8J1piqWM2i5xFGUHij
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Offline FreeTrade

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2013, 03:36:47 am »
Yes, there is much work to be done on the algorithm implementation.  It is clearly not thread safe (Crashing all of the time) and has no ability to cancel mid-hash.

The crashes I'm hearing of on Windows are all to do with memory allocation - either allocating too many threads (or switching causing too much allocation) - not seeing any thread safety issues. My i3770 has been mining full blast for 24hrs or so, supporting 500 connections, no issues yet.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline FreeTrade

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Re: Mining on Linux instructions?
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2013, 03:33:59 am »
So then does the current implementation have any implications for preferring less cores or anything like that?  Does mining with a higher # of cores result in more "stale blocks" for some reason?  Or would that not make a difference.

Yes, higher number of cores will mean more collisions, but longer hash time . . . longer hash time means blocks are more likely to be stale. It should be a fairly small effect after the first re-adjustment.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher