Author Topic: DNS Status Update  (Read 12253 times)

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Offline toast

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I'm back early.

I'm now working in person with Dan and co. We're in the bug-quashing stage for XT, after which reimplementing the .p2p business logic with the new transaction architecture should be a breeze. At that point we will start doing daily test nets and announce the snapshot.
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Offline toast

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I'm going AFK for 11 days.

Direct typos and fixes for towards forum member cassiopaia.
Direct all either inquiries to forum member unlimited_power. Vikram is working on core code with Dan and co and so DNS work is effectively suspended for 1.5 weeks. Not a huge deal, as the DNS business logic is a tiny tiny fraction of the total work.
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Updates all around:

Domain auction model updated. Look here:
This will require re-writing core business logic.

DNSchain integration going smoothly.
Got a guy on board for extending meowbit.

Did some radio shows and publicity.

Updated website:

Shooting to start *extensive* beta testing when I start full-time in June.
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Offline toast

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We had a pretty slow two weeks... I suspect it'll get better for a few weeks then worse for a few weeks and then I'll start full time after that.

I was able to do some work for the website and some other written content while Vikram wrote some more code which brings us closer to getting a CLI and test chain in your hands.

Here's my dev server, you can follow the domains branch here:
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Offline toast

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So last week I did a bit of (2) and Vikram did a lot of refactoring. It looks really good! At this point Vikram has caught up to me in time spent on this code. We are still interested in getting a CLI out soon for bug bounties, and an RPC so you can access .p2ptest websites with some browser configuration.

I'm renaming things like this:

BitShares DNS is the name of the namespace DAC family, and *maybe* the name of a a possible proto-DAC for this family. If there is a proto-dac then new DACs can use burn rounds (among other options) for snapshots, if there is no proto-DAC then new chains will do burn rounds / snapshots from previous chains or PTS/AGS or both.

What used to be called "BitShares DNS" is now simply called ".p2p" - that is the name of both the blockchain and the TLD, with ".P2P" as a ticker. This will not be heavily branded with BitShares but rather will set an example of how a project can benefit from participating in the bitshares ecosystem.
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Offline toast

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this week:
1) Write enough of the CLI and RPC to release a binary so people can test for bugs and start development
2) Keep updating spec, FAQ, and intro paper
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Offline toast

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We are done with tests. Next we will polish the written spec, clean the code up a bit, then bump the bug bounty up.
The next goal is to have a dummy client with a CLI so that you can do auctions against yourself and test how it works. I'll give a time estimate once I catch up on Dan's toolkit code.
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Ok so we have like 1/3 of the tests written. All progress here was Vikram, he has been using them to learn the codebase, which means progress accelerates as we go. We're meeting tomorrow afternoon, maybe we'll wrap that up? Not gonna rush that, writing brand new unit tests is seriously like the most perfect way to get caught up.
I started doing lots of writing (site content, paper) and will be posting that soon.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 02:27:20 am by toast »
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Locking this topic based on suggestions from the BTSX update thread. You can make new threads referring to individual posts (click "title" link above each post for direct link).

Good news everyone!

Forum member unlimited_power has joined me on this project! He is currently doing research here at CMU, and just like me he has lots of free time and is way into this project. He has a master's in ECE and undergrad double major in CS/ECE. Every objective technical qualification that I have which impressed Dan, this guy has me beat.

I've written some code to simplify writing tests and then wrote passing tests which cover the most basic success/fail cases for starting new auctions. Instead of spending time finishing those, I will spend time catching unlimited_power up and let him fill out more of the tests to get a sense of the code. I will hop back on this if it looks like we're going to miss the end-of-week target in the OP. While he does this I will spend a bit more time doing non-technical work, like writing the FAQ and content for the website.

Unlimited power, hmmmm?  Let's start out just drawing 1.21 Jiggawatts and then gradually ramp it up from there over the next 24 hours...

« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 07:46:45 pm by Stan »
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Offline toast

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Locking this topic based on suggestions from the BTSX update thread. You can make new threads referring to individual posts (click "title" link above each post for direct link).

Good news everyone!

Forum member unlimited_power has joined me on this project! He is currently doing research here at CMU, and just like me he has lots of free time and is way into this project. He has a master's in ECE and undergrad double major in CS/ECE. Every objective technical qualification that I have which impressed Dan, this guy has me beat.

I've written some code to simplify writing tests and then wrote passing tests which cover the most basic success/fail cases for starting new auctions. Instead of spending time finishing those, I will spend time catching unlimited_power up and let him fill out more of the tests to get a sense of the code. I will hop back on this if it looks like we're going to miss the end-of-week target in the OP. While he does this I will spend a bit more time doing non-technical work, like writing the FAQ and content for the website.
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Offline toast

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This week I plan to finish writing tests for all the DNS transaction logic.
All the empty functions here should be filled up:

Then I will bump the business logic bounty up.

Hopefully by the end of the week Dan will finish making the RPCI extensible, then I can write a json-rpc and a CLI to test it with, so you can play with a dummy (no network) version within 2 weeks. No idea what his plans are though.
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