Author Topic: What would you pay (today) for shares in BitShares XT?  (Read 6193 times)

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Offline fuzzy

Polls which dont require the participants to use actual money are worth nothing

Aw lighten up, it's just a fun toy. :) Sure, some people will be naive enough to think that the results are really meaningful, but I think most people on the forum are intelligent enough to understand the results for what they are.

Cool :)

I enjoy this exercise.  It makes me sit and really think about exactly where I stand on this investment.  I personally would not sell many of mine for under 100 dollars, but I would not currently buy a crap ton of them for over 10 until I see the actual working product. 
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So then what drives the price past that of bitcoin's? Simply having more marketing than bitcoin?

More practical use. Much more. Plus dividends, since these DACs should be profitable. Once dividends start coming, the whole world will pay attention.


Offline donkeypong

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So then what drives the price past that of bitcoin's? Simply having more marketing than bitcoin?

More practical use. Much more. Plus dividends, since these DACs should be profitable. Once dividends start coming, the whole world will pay attention.


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So then what drives the price past that of bitcoin's? Simply having more marketing than bitcoin?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 04:26:32 am by clout »

Offline luckybit

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Bitcoin demonstrates that marketing and advertising do not generate value. The utility of a technology generates value. You can enhance subjective value through marketing as we have seen with mastercoin which debuted from $200 - $300, but in the long run subjective value is more determined by the utility the product offers, as can be seen in the current price of mastercoin - only $32.86.

Marketing generates high prices. Bitcoin doesn't have a high price because of pure utility because it's pure utility value hasn't changed at all since 2012 yet the price has. What happened?

When the price goes up, more people look at it. As more people see the price going up more people want to invest in it. After they bought Bitcoins then they tried it and discovered the utility. It becomes a cycle which fed into the marketing. Mining is another form of marketing for Bitcoin which Bitshares wont have.

That wont happen anymore because now it's common for coins to break $100. The psychological shock is gone. Now you do need marketing to sell the product and only marketing will make the price go up significantly because if the people who need Bitshares don't know it exists then they wont be using it.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 03:21:37 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads


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Because I already will have Bitshares and most of us do or will. So what does it matter how much it costs to people who have some? But to people who don't have any, they will have to either buy Bitshares or Mastercoins.

There are other alternatives, I think that if there were any competitors to bitshares it would be ripple

Mastercoins are around $50 so I would think if its at least as good as Mastercoin it will have a similar price. But I'd say potentially much higher.

You have to look at market cap not price. There are only about 600,000 MSC and there will be 4,000,000 xts

Marketed right Bitshares could capture the majority of the altcoin market cap over time. That is maybe a billion dollars this year if it's a bear market.

If bitshares works as proposed it will be the altcoin market. There will be more forks of bitshares than there are of bitcoin

What if we get a bubble?

Price is all about marketing when you have the technology

Bitcoin demonstrates that marketing and advertising do not generate value. The utility of a technology generates value. You can enhance subjective value through marketing as we have seen with mastercoin which debuted from $200 - $300, but in the long run subjective value is more determined by the utility the product offers, as can be seen in the current price of mastercoin - only $32.86.

So if Bitshares can't get to $50, $100 and beyond it's because marketing failed. It's not because the money doesn't exist somewhere. It's not because there is a superior technology. It's not because there is anything else which can do what Bitshares can do for savers.

If bitshares doesnt reach $50 or $100 it is because the technology doesnt support our claims. That is the only reason I can see. The information on bitshares is already out there, the technology just needs to be proven

Offline luckybit

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It's sad that some people will lie anyway  ::)
I have voted for 50 $

The truth is I would pay whatever it costs. But if I don't have a lot of money of course I'm going to lie and say I'll only pay $1.

This poll isn't as useful because what matters is what people are willing to sell it for, not what people are willing to pay for.

Because I already will have Bitshares and most of us do or will. So what does it matter how much it costs to people who have some? But to people who don't have any, they will have to either buy Bitshares or Mastercoins.

Mastercoins are around $50 so I would think if its at least as good as Mastercoin it will have a similar price. But I'd say potentially much higher.

Marketed right Bitshares could capture the majority of the altcoin market cap over time. That is maybe a billion dollars this year if it's a bear market.

What if we get a bubble?

Price is all about marketing when you have the technology.

So if Bitshares can't get to $50, $100 and beyond it's because marketing failed. It's not because the money doesn't exist somewhere. It's not because there is a superior technology. It's not because there is anything else which can do what Bitshares can do for savers.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 10:02:01 am by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline santaclause102

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Polls which dont require the participants to use actual money are worth nothing

Aw lighten up, it's just a fun toy. :) Sure, some people will be naive enough to think that the results are really meaningful, but I think most people on the forum are intelligent enough to understand the results for what they are.

Cool :)

Offline BldSwtTrs

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I voted 2$.
I am enough exposed to BTS, more will unbalanced my cryptoportofolio, so for buying some new one I must be sure that I will made a profit.
And while I am quite confident BTS will trade above 2$ when they will be liquid I am not sure at all BTS will trade above 5$.

Offline biophil

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Polls which dont require the participants to use actual money are worth nothing

Aw lighten up, it's just a fun toy. :) Sure, some people will be naive enough to think that the results are really meaningful, but I think most people on the forum are intelligent enough to understand the results for what they are.
Support our research efforts to improve BitAsset price-pegging! Vote for worker 1.14.204 "201907-uccs-research-project."


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It's sad that some people will lie anyway  ::)

Yes, and thats why polls like this (and the earlier one) are meaningless.

I voted $2, but may push it till $5.

Offline santaclause102

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Polls which dont require the participants to use actual money are worth nothing

Offline JA

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It's sad that some people will lie anyway  ::)
I have voted for 50 $

Offline biophil

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We've had a lot of discussions about XTS price, and someone made a poll that gave us the "ask" side of an order book. Here's the "bid" side.

Note that I'm asking for the highest price you'd pay. You should answer "yes" to this question: If I came up to you and offered you a bitshare at the price you entered plus one dollar, would you refuse it?
Support our research efforts to improve BitAsset price-pegging! Vote for worker 1.14.204 "201907-uccs-research-project."