Great idea!!! A salary that earns interest. Way too cool . Im happy be a bitshare investor. 
Help me out. Share your ideas. This project is about building an industry from the ground up, with it's own culture, it's own ethics, it's own kind of regulation, and while we can learn from the mistakes of the traditional approaches there is a lot of room for new ways of thinking and doing.
The problem with Bitcoin, Bitshares or any of this is that if only a few thousand people in the whole world have them then it's never going to be worth much. The community must always be growing, which means new people have to always be learning about, using, and earning Bitshares.
Buying Bitshares is fine for rich people who like to gamble. It's also fine for true believers willing to invest their life savings. It's not going to last though because eventually all of us here will have given all we have to buy Bitshares and then what?
Then you have to get creative about how to build buy pressure because this isn't mined like Bitcoin. You will not have a way to distribute it or raise awareness of it if you make it impossible for people to get.
So you want to set aside some roads to get it. All roads lead to Bitshares. Whether you buy it, work directly for a DAC, work for fiat and ask your employer to be paid in it, there has to be more options other than logging onto Cryptsy and hoping it's found there. If it's too hard for people to get, they'll just buy Bitcoin.