In some sense he is right .. ethereum is more like an Operating system on which you can run applications ... much like TCP to HTML/SMTP/...
Or like the BIOS is compared to Linux ..
Anyway .. as financial instrument bitshares are close to beeing developed .. whereas ethereum first needs to establish the basis operating system before others can create financal instruments (ie trading platforms)
Bitshares is already there NOT depending on a basic OS ... that's actually an advantage ..
Bitshares is more like a RISC processor while Etherium is more like CISC.
RISC is more efficient. ARM is RISC for example. Power efficient, low cost, highly specialized.
He is right that Bitshares chains are highly specialized but the benefits is that it's also more decentralized and more likely to be used and last for decades.
One chain to rule them all isn't a good idea and won't last even if it is turing complete. The reason is Ethereum is going to be forked almost immediately and then the what? Do they plan on it being forked?
So if it is forked all the investors, the miners? There is a good chance Ethereum will be forked and a better version of it will be released without some of the unpopular decisions built into it. This is going to happen just as Mastercoin has to deal with Counterparty.
For that reason, Bitshares has an advantage because Bitshares gets better if people fork it. The one thing Ethereum team is better at is marketing. They have the miners on their side and they are winning politically. This is also happening because Bitshares team isn't doing enough to reach out to groups not associated with or aligned with the political views of the inner circle. This is necessary though if you want mainstream adoption because most people just want to know if it makes money or what it can do for them, the politics can be tailored and calibrated to the different communities on a chain by chain basis.
Ethereum team has one major weakness though, they appear as the insiders. They appear as the elite, even if this isn't actually the case. This is a failure of marketing on their side because they want to look as if they are with the little guy but giving conferences at Silicon Valley is not where you would find any little guys.