It's sad that some people will lie anyway 
I have voted for 50 $
The truth is I would pay whatever it costs. But if I don't have a lot of money of course I'm going to lie and say I'll only pay $1.
This poll isn't as useful because what matters is what people are willing to sell it for, not what people are willing to pay for.
Because I already will have Bitshares and most of us do or will. So what does it matter how much it costs to people who have some? But to people who don't have any, they will have to either buy Bitshares or Mastercoins.
Mastercoins are around $50 so I would think if its at least as good as Mastercoin it will have a similar price. But I'd say potentially much higher.
Marketed right Bitshares could capture the majority of the altcoin market cap over time. That is maybe a billion dollars this year if it's a bear market.
What if we get a bubble?
Price is all about marketing when you have the technology.So if Bitshares can't get to $50, $100 and beyond it's because marketing failed. It's not because the money doesn't exist somewhere. It's not because there is a superior technology. It's not because there is anything else which can do what Bitshares can do for savers.