Author Topic: What would recommend your bum-friend to do with $1000?  (Read 12718 times)

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Offline santaclause102

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I was worried to open this thread and see what you wrote. I am positively surprised about your help and will let this info sink in now. To see things from your perspective is worth so much it's hard to describe.

I was a victim of violence and theft a while ago and because this never happened to me I thought that my friends and family would help me immediately to get back to where I was before it happened. Instead I was on my own and homeless and entertained people on the street to save money to buy a new computer so I could continue my job from "home". This whole situation was so hard it took me 1.5 years to find a room to get a surgery. Now that I have privacy again and safety I don't have to surpress any emotions anymore and slowly I can realize that I don't have any problems anymore, I just have to get used to the new situation.

Ok, I will start a new chapter now, thanks all you are good people!

Now that I have privacy again and safety I don't have to surpress any emotions anymore and slowly I can realize that I don't have any problems anymore, I just have to get used to the new situation.

Ok, I will start a new chapter now, thanks all you are good people!

What you say makes a lot of sense. I am not worried that you are already back on tack!

Offline BldSwtTrs

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I would say him to buy at least 1 BTC with his 1000$. By 2020 he sould be fine financially.


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I was worried to open this thread and see what you wrote. I am positively surprised about your help and will let this info sink in now. To see things from your perspective is worth so much it's hard to describe.

I was a victim of violence and theft a while ago and because this never happened to me I thought that my friends and family would help me immediately to get back to where I was before it happened. Instead I was on my own and homeless and entertained people on the street to save money to buy a new computer so I could continue my job from "home". This whole situation was so hard it took me 1.5 years to find a room to get a surgery. Now that I have privacy again and safety I don't have to surpress any emotions anymore and slowly I can realize that I don't have any problems anymore, I just have to get used to the new situation.

Ok, I will start a new chapter now, thanks all you are good people!

Offline bytemaster

It seems like a lot of what you have is what came from others. People gave to you for their own benefit with a goal of truly helping. It is refreshing to see someone so open about their modest situation, and it is perhaps from that nature that people tend to give to you. Gifts of that nature diminish over time, they have to. The more you live off the charity of others the more you learn to depend on it. Of desperation you've learned to worship money more than they've learned not to. To truly help you it is necessary to withhold charity so that you learn to give of yourself rather than consume from others. People want to help you, but only if it truly helps you (and more importantly them, in often non-financial ways). If you give then you shall receive.

You cherish money more than your own time. Money is a form of stored time. You are wealthy with time, but your time has modest value. The jobs you've had were simple exchanges of time for money. It appears you have not put effort into making your time worth more money (by education or trust development).

Think of what you would enjoy. If you do what you enjoy then you can develop your strengths. If what you do is of service to others then people will reward you. You say you are pleased with ideas that will get you to stop thinking about your situation. That is a search for relief, not joy. Relief from discomfort isn't likely to grow to strength. You are depressed and looking for ideas. You can sense that a change must come, make it a positive change. Can't think of what you truly enjoy? I suggest looking for a way to help the people around you. Give of yourself. You are wealthy with time to give. If you can save people time then they often want to reward you with money. Once you start a process of giving then you'll learn what brings you joy and money will flow to you naturally.

What can you do with the $1000? Not much. You likely owe more than that to others. Don't let the money be your primary concern. The wealth you need to develop is in your time.

I wish you the best.

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Offline CLains

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Find a rich girl on matching-site, .. Sell your blood, sperm, hair .. Sign up for medical experiments, .. Learn to eat healthy extremely cheaply, .. Become an Internet Assessor, ..

Buy more AGS.  :D

Offline Liberty

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It seems like a lot of what you have is what came from others. People gave to you for their own benefit with a goal of truly helping. It is refreshing to see someone so open about their modest situation, and it is perhaps from that nature that people tend to give to you. Gifts of that nature diminish over time, they have to. The more you live off the charity of others the more you learn to depend on it. Of desperation you've learned to worship money more than they've learned not to. To truly help you it is necessary to withhold charity so that you learn to give of yourself rather than consume from others. People want to help you, but only if it truly helps you (and more importantly them, in often non-financial ways). If you give then you shall receive.

You cherish money more than your own time. Money is a form of stored time. You are wealthy with time, but your time has modest value. The jobs you've had were simple exchanges of time for money. It appears you have not put effort into making your time worth more money (by education or trust development).

Think of what you would enjoy. If you do what you enjoy then you can develop your strengths. If what you do is of service to others then people will reward you. You say you are pleased with ideas that will get you to stop thinking about your situation. That is a search for relief, not joy. Relief from discomfort isn't likely to grow to strength. You are depressed and looking for ideas. You can sense that a change must come, make it a positive change. Can't think of what you truly enjoy? I suggest looking for a way to help the people around you. Give of yourself. You are wealthy with time to give. If you can save people time then they often want to reward you with money. Once you start a process of giving then you'll learn what brings you joy and money will flow to you naturally.

What can you do with the $1000? Not much. You likely owe more than that to others. Don't let the money be your primary concern. The wealth you need to develop is in your time.

I wish you the best.

Offline Troglodactyl

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Seriously, no need to be embarrassed.  I respect you for taking the initiative to try to get where you want to be, and for having the courage to open yourself up honestly to advice.

Offline santaclause102

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Hey man, don't worry! Begin with what you feel is the hardest to do at the moment. Beginning there is the hardest and it gets easier over time. The crucial point is to DO what is the hardest and not to think about how and when to do it. It's not what you feel like doing (this is mostly the stuff our subconscious mind drives us to do to forget what we try to suppress). You are the only one that knows what that is. Every human being works the same in that respect. peace
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 06:25:10 pm by delulo »

Offline rysgc

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Sorry to hear that mate, you can ask one of the forum moderators to delete your post if needed but it's a brave thing to do to to post your message and ask for some advice. I'm sure everyone has been in a similar position before with little to no money, no real idea about what you want in life and possibly with little self esteem so i don't think anyone would judge you. Sometimes the world is a crazy place and if you feel you can't handle it for now just go talk to someone about your problems like a family member or close friend. And if you like running a hostel just got for it, put your goal to that and i'm sure you can make it happen. And it may sound lame but everyone's different thankfully! If everyone's the same we would have no inventions, art and protests. I'm by no means a professional in these things but it might relax yourself to take on sports, take a walk outside and enjoy the beautiful world around you. Good luck man and don't worry too much , if there's anything I can do just send me a pm. - Receive all the latest DAC and BitShares community news straight to your inbox. Signup here or Submit news


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I just wanted to delete this thread, hoped nobody answerd yet. It's so embarassing. What you say is good, logic. I want to make a course in something that interests me. When I had my own little "hostel" once, the people liked it. I felt so good because there was no one I was affraid to be judged for being crazy. Maybe a monestary with my own philosophy. For this I need some money and then go again to a place where foreigners can stay and prolong the visa infinitely. I just want to be alone in my head. Somehow I am different than other people. Now that I wrote this here, I want to delete my account and go to a place where no one knows me.

Offline rysgc

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Getting something for nothing doesn't exist. You either have to work hard if your health allows this and don't quit the job you have even if it's the most boring or tiresome job in the world. On the work floor you might be able to meet new people, take courses etc to grow in the company and apply for other jobs which pay more. Just save your 1000 for when your netbook breaks down or some other unforseen event. It's also wise (and free) to start learning programming online, there are various websites which will guide you through it. - Receive all the latest DAC and BitShares community news straight to your inbox. Signup here or Submit news


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Hi, please help a brother. I am not a bad guy, always friendly but not good in mathematics.

I have:

- $1000
- Around 80 AGS
- A room paid by the government (welfare)
- Free electricity (up to $100 a month)
- Debts
- A lot of time
- A bank account with online banking
- Atom netbook

I don't have

- Education
- A job
- The strength to keep a (dead end) job
- More than $240 per month (food, etc.)
- Anyone who would borrow me money
- The body for sexwork
- The option to get a credit from the bank

If you could give me some ideas on what you would do with the 1000 Dollares I would be very happy because I am sitting alone at home and my head is hot from thinking too much.

I did already everything. Pizza delivery, wheelchair mechanics, telephone operator, selling carpets, video shop, work agencies, waiting, cleaning, basking, writing, taking care of old people, selling fruits.

I dream of $500 income for doing "nothing" like mining or so. That's why I bought PTS. The thing is I am a bit worried because I can see all the people donating so much money into BitShares, and I am just a little fish who later only gets $10 dividents. Thanks all!