Hi community,
I am looking for someone who can be referred to as Zhi-Jian-Ren (执剑人). It is Chinese words. Literally it means "the one who holds the sword". The one should hold large amounts of MMC, at least 100k (10万), preferred larger. I know there are already more than one such share-holders. He or she should not be one of the CXOs or be running for candidacy. He or she should be a honorable and intelligent member of the community who actions based on the interest of MemoryCoin. His or her function is as important as the core team, which is listed as follows
1. Fire an officer at anytime. This is fun. We don't need to wait for 1 week or more to fire some compromised position. Two hours is enough. This also makes the core team more functional.
2. Giving more opportunity to all candidates. For example, someone has less votes but is still contributing to the community. Why not give him or her some share, directly from the block-chain? This will give us several active officers for each position at the same time.
3. Defend the voting system. You know, this happened in the past. We need powerful votes within the community to defend the positions, if necessary.
This is a fun game. Right? It is a bit risky, but Zhi-Jian-Ren holds large amounts of MMC and is somehow guaranteed to function according to the best interest of MemoryCoin. This is a cool title awarded by the community but not by the block-chain. If the guy or gal is compromised, the title is lost and the community can go against him or her.
I am looking forward to your thoughts, and comments by future Zhi-Jian-Rens.