Hi I'm Robonix and this is my statement of candidacy as Chief Marketing Officer for MemoryCoin
CMO Vote Address: MVTEcmof6MJKAhDBt4cByffKJBX2KEnnJHPlease send 0.00000001 MMC to vote for me as your new CMO!
As a long-standing co-member of the CXO team I decided to apply for the CMO position.
For those of you that don't know me, let me briefly introduce myself. I'm Robert AKA Robonix,
I'm 42 years old and I'm from Los Angeles, California. I've worked for the past 10 years near
Guadalajara, Mexico for a national distribution company, I am in charge of the entire Information
Technology infrastructure, the art department, and I hold a seat on the marketing team.
What I've Done So Far:As a co-member of the CSO Team I've translated
http://memorycoin.org to Spanish
(fully translated as of now).
As a co-member of the CMO Team I elaborated the press release that was used to get
us some online media attention.
As a co-member of the CMO Team I've also redesigned
http://memorycoin.org giving it
it's new more modern look.
As the CWO (placed at the then CEO's discretion) I designed a spin-text post of over 150
words to be used with
http://thelinkjuicer.com to create over 1500 back-links with
(seemingly original text) to increase (over time)
http://memorycoin.com's prestige in Google's
search ranking system for word combinations that include Cryptographic, Cryptographic
Currency, Alternative Currency, Coin, Bitcoin and Altcoin.
Also as CWO I Started work on a new MemoryCoin video which is now about 70% finished
which can be seen here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogyxa5-SzQ0 (This project
will be completed by the 15th of this month with a professional voice over).
As a side project while functioning as CWO I redesigned
http://memorycoin.info giving it
it's new modern look while preserving it's function as a clean minimalistic link repository.
Recently created the easteregg game as seen here:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=3936.0What I will do:Continue to create over 1500 back-links with (seemingly original text) to increase (over time)
http://memorycoin.com's prestige in Google's search ranking system for word combinations that include
Cryptographic, Cryptographic Currency, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrencies, Alternative Currency,
Coin, Bitcoin, Altcoin and Charitable.
Gain the attention of hi-profile charities (that the community can agree on) in order for them to
begin accepting MemoryCoin as a means of receiving donations, each with their own MVTEcha
MemoryCoin address that the community can vote on, It's all about getting MemoryCoin the right
kind of exposure, $20 dollars a day is nothing to sneeze at (no mater how big the charity is).
Get MemoryCoin noticed by the mainstream media as a charitable alternative to bitcoin and other
cryptocurrencies, that unlike these others MemoryCoin does not only benefit early adopters.
MemoryCoin Merchandise (mugs, keychains, apparel such as tshirts & hoodies, stickers, various
objects to be produced in 3D printers, laser engraved wooden products, etc).
Design (from scratch) a new banner for the front page of
http://memorycoin.org so that the site
does not look so overwhelmingly green.
Continue to produce MemoryCoin Videos, that will be inspired by successful ad campaigns from such
companies like Coca-Cola, I envision these videos evoking a feeling of nostalgia ending with a slogan
saying something like MemoryCoin! Remember When?
Continue the easteregg games as seen here:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=3933.0https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=3937.0https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=552045.0How will I honor and support the currently ongoing work?The current contributors are welcome to join my team. They will be rewarded in the form of bounties
for their ongoing work. I welcome the CMO candidates who are not elected to apply (limited) fund
from me to support their long-term projects.
Ethics:In my term, I guarantee that the full CMO salary will be spent to create demand for MemoryCoin, the
full amount spent will be publicly visible with a full detailed expenditures list.
How to vote?send .00000001MMC to MVTEcmof6MJKAhDBt4cByffKJBX2KEnnJH
How to un-vote? send .00000001MMC to any other candidate or
send .00000001MMC MVTEcmo1111111111111111111115e9dK3 to spoil your vote
Why the campaign?I respect the current work. It is great and It has been great from the beginning I just feel that
MemoryCoin needs to gain some mainstream media attention, a task that I am more than familiar
with. More than technical improvements I believe that MemoryCoin needs exposure to the mainstream.
ContactI can be contacted by PM on this forum which synchronizes automatically to my cell phone so I will
never be out of the loop.