Author Topic: Are we neglecting LottoShares?  (Read 7014 times)

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Offline MrJeans

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They honor 10%/10% so they deserve full support

How do we get shares from ags as we dont have private key for ags
Was just about to ask the same thing.
I imported a wallet that had some PTS and some AGS.
It looks like im only getting Lottoshares for the PTS

Was the ags in before may 15?

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
@ toast end of may i.e. 05/31

@AGS import

Use your BTC/PTS keys from which you donated to AGS.

edit:I have a ton of LottoShares with which I can not play for 3-14 months...
Do you have to claim your LottoShares and then wait until they become available or will they automatically become available and you can claim when ever you want.
Also how do you check how long it will take for your shares to become available.

Offline Simeon II

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They honor 10%/10% so they deserve full support

How do we get shares from ags as we dont have private key for ags
Was just about to ask the same thing.
I imported a wallet that had some PTS and some AGS.
It looks like im only getting Lottoshares for the PTS

Was the ags in before may 15?

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
@ toast end of may i.e. 05/31

@AGS import

Use your BTC/PTS keys from which you donated to AGS.

edit:I have a ton of LottoShares with which I can not play for 3-14 months...
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 11:38:45 pm by Simeon II »

Offline toast

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They honor 10%/10% so they deserve full support

How do we get shares from ags as we dont have private key for ags
Was just about to ask the same thing.
I imported a wallet that had some PTS and some AGS.
It looks like im only getting Lottoshares for the PTS

Was the ags in before may 15?

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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Offline fuzzy

Yesterday I discovered that the LottoShares DAC is to be launched tomorrow (15th July).
And the awesome thing is that the DAC is honoring PTS and AGS 10% each.

But I could not find any information on LottoShares at the website nor was its forum threads readily available on from the website (one has to go into 'alternative DACs'. I only stumbled on the lottoshares thread per chance and then read up on it.

For a DAC that is honoring PTS and AGS it looks like the Bitshares community has not done its part to market and publicize the DAC.

Please correct me if I am wrong on what I3's/Bitshare's involvement has been.

Perhaps a memorandum of understanding should be drawn up an honored for every DAC that honors the AGS and PTS with 10% each of the DAC share supply.
Things like:
link on front page of bitshares website to DAC's promotional website,
a newsletter sent out to the Bitshares mailing list concerning the DAC and notifying about snapshot,
certain number of free consultation hours with a member from I3/the Bitshares community etc

It would be important to show DAC builders the power of honoring the AGS/PTS.

I asked FreeTrade if he wanted to come on the Mumble for a chat with the community about LottoShares (I want to help honor him for the community as thank you for honoring us(seriously, thanks you))...but not so sure Freetrade feels he would like to do that. 

Maybe someone else has a way to help reciprocate that would suit Lottoshares better than community meetups?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 10:31:09 pm by fuznuts »
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Offline MrJeans

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are you getting any shares from PTS or we have to wait for 2.5 months?
still waiting for them to be confirmed.

Offline mf-tzo

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are you getting any shares from PTS or we have to wait for 2.5 months?

Offline MrJeans

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They honor 10%/10% so they deserve full support

How do we get shares from ags as we dont have private key for ags
Was just about to ask the same thing.
I imported a wallet that had some PTS and some AGS.
It looks like im only getting Lottoshares for the PTS

Offline kickky

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They honor 10%/10% so they deserve full support

How do we get shares from ags as we dont have private key for ags

Offline bytemaster

We should list it under Industries on our website, provide a brief overview, and explain how it relates to the rest of the BitShares ecosystem...  ie: it is a 3rd party DAC based on BTC code base and mining.
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline toast

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They honor 10%/10% so they deserve full support
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If I understand correctly, Lottoshares is more of an 'ally' while Bitshares Lotto is 'in-house'. So, expect a lot more buzz when the latter releases.

I don't think Lottoshares uses the Bitshares toolkit either.

Offline Empirical1

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Yeah I've noticed they're in the newsletter, on the forum & the website, so I think that's pretty good.

I personally complained about not knowing about the snapshot too, but the thing is while LottoShares gives 10% equity to PTS it also gives 10% Equity to MMC. But MMC only has a $70k CAP. So really to promote it before the snapshot, we would have been promoting MMC not PTS. (As a potential investor you'd get a bigger % allocation for <$ buying MMC and as a trader/speculator, MMC would have experienced a bigger % price increase than PTS.) 

I liked the LottoShares screenshots I saw, I was worried it would come across as an expensive, slow, complicated form of dice but I see now there's a big difference for people playing 'their' lottery numbers or a lottery in general. So I'm getting more excited about the concept.

Hackfisher will also be launching a similar product I believe, BitShares Lotto, and judging by the name, I'd expect a larger effective AGS/PTS allocation so I think the community & the team will probably get behind that one more, to promote both equally would be confusing for the consumer.

Dogecoin also gets awarded 20% of LottoShares and I haven't seen them picking up on it much, so I don't feel like we're being put to shame there either or anything. 
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 02:49:48 pm by Empirical1 »

Offline MrJeans

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Once again, my random concerns have been put to rest  :)
Thanks for the feedback

Offline xeroc

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Plus .. the snapahot countdown for lts was also hosted on afair

Offline Stan

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Lotto Shares was the first of the six pending DACs listed in our newsletter:

Here is a list of the independent developer-operators who are working to release a DAC this year and have committed to honor PTS and AGS holders with at least 10% of their bitshares. This is a very good trend, don’t you think?

•   FreeTrade will release Lotto Shares.
•   Toast will releast BitShares.p2p
•   Hackfisher will release BitShares Lotto.
•   Eddie and Cob will release BitShares Music.
•   Follow My Vote ( will release a voting DAC.
•   DACs Unlimited ( will release BitShares X.

Since all BitShares DACs are produced by independent developers they are all equally eligible to receive whatever support we are able to give them.  Needs vary with each developer so we want to let them lead their own campaigns with us providing support as they request it.

A month ago we reached out proactively to offer a marketing meeting with FreeTrade to plan a joint promotion.  At the time he was understandably very busy and wanted to focus on getting his product out the door first.

But the offer still stands, and we would be happy to prominently post any announcements he would like to make on our various media outlets.  We'll even do the work to convert rough notes into an attractive web page or blog article or special newsletter.   

But obviously, we shouldn't publish things about a DAC without it's daddy's approval.    :)
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