Author Topic: Bit Super Lab  (Read 17690 times)

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Offline HackFisher

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This is exactly the benefit of DPOS... 100 highly reliable nodes makes the 'nodeshare' concept that BTC is facing unnecessary.

Big money to be made here by providing this service to the network.

Yes, that's it. And BM has given a comprehensive summary of the requirements as following:
Becoming a delegate requires:

1) Ability to run provided software on a low-latency connection 
2) Ability to setup a secure linux environment
3) Ability to get 1% of the vote...
      a) unique geographic location
      b) trusted member of the community
      c) 1000 BIPS  (a couple of PTS or AGS) registration fee... (keep out spammers)

Remaining a delegate requires:
      a) low latency, 99.9% uptime
      b) non-discrimination of valid transactions
      c) better reputation than all but the top 99

How to earn the best reputation:
      a) Provide the most additional services for your pay.
            - seed node supporting thousands of connections
            - block explorers
            - free web wallets
            - high speed blockchain downloads
      b) Provide the most proof as to your transparency

You get the idea... who ever is willing to provide the most service for their pay will likely win over someone attempting to provide the least service. 

As I understand, to prevent from DDOS for 99.9% uptime, the server might need to be distributed around the world, have 24 hour clock team to operate, high quality mining software etc.

Brainstorm might be needed first.
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Offline bytemaster

This is exactly the benefit of DPOS... 100 highly reliable nodes makes the 'nodeshare' concept that BTC is facing unnecessary.

Big money to be made here by providing this service to the network.
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline xeroc

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Offline toast

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+1 would join this effort

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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Offline HackFisher

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After reading the DPOS whiter paper, I have an idea to form a super lab to join the competition of DPOS mining, because providing good service as a stable DPOS delegate is a challeging work, and could be very interesting and profitable.

Two goals:
1. Act as one of the 100 delegate mining nodes, and keep stable with high reputation, 100% online.
2. Testing DPOS network, reseach on all kinds of attack and cheating possibility. Find the flaw of other 99 mining nodes.

Any ideas, or anybody intent to collaborate?

来自我的 GT-N7100 上的 Tapatalk

« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 05:51:47 am by HackFisher »
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