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awesome .. you give us some source code or at least a rough sketch on how you parse the blockchain?
def call(method, params): url = "http://SERVERIP:PORT/rpc" auth = (<RPCUSER>, <RPCPASS>) headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} payload = { "method": method, "params": params, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1 } return requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, auth=auth)
response = call("blockchain_get_blockcount", [])response = call("blockchain_get_block", [x])response = call("blockchain_get_block_signee", [x])response = call("blockchain_list_missing_block_delegates", [x])
Quote from: JoeyD on April 28, 2014, 09:34:47 amI'm not interested in running a delegate as a profession or company, but I'd be willing to help bootstrap the system and setup a delegate in the meantime, until the system has grown big enough.I'd have to setup a cloudbased VPS for that though, because my home internet connection is rubbish and there's isn't much I can do to improve that.Before I do that I'd like some more detailed information about what it takes to run a delegate.- How much "stake" is needed to be eligible?- How secure is that stake? Is there a way to secure my stake in the form of a mining multisig-wallet safely backed by my paper wallet(s) in a secure location or with the help of a cold-storage/signing solution?- Any other details would be welcome like requirements in the shape of storage, cpu-power, memory, bandwidth etcetera.
I'm not interested in running a delegate as a profession or company, but I'd be willing to help bootstrap the system and setup a delegate in the meantime, until the system has grown big enough.I'd have to setup a cloudbased VPS for that though, because my home internet connection is rubbish and there's isn't much I can do to improve that.Before I do that I'd like some more detailed information about what it takes to run a delegate.- How much "stake" is needed to be eligible?- How secure is that stake? Is there a way to secure my stake in the form of a mining multisig-wallet safely backed by my paper wallet(s) in a secure location or with the help of a cold-storage/signing solution?- Any other details would be welcome like requirements in the shape of storage, cpu-power, memory, bandwidth etcetera.
Quote from: HackFisher on April 28, 2014, 07:21:16 amFor a delegate with high availability, you may need to handle DDOS attack to the DAC.DDOS attack to the DAC could probably achieve through attacking the delegates.delegates only sign blocks .. No need to expose you IP address .. as far as I can remember from Dans posts.I may be wrong though
For a delegate with high availability, you may need to handle DDOS attack to the DAC.DDOS attack to the DAC could probably achieve through attacking the delegates.
If I get the chance to be a delegate from the beginning I would do it .. even if its not profitable at the beginning.My Server is paid. I dont expect too much traffic from it and I also dont see why it should use too much processing power either
Quote from: delulo on April 27, 2014, 09:34:23 pmCan't the pay for a delegate be dependent on the tx volume?Pay is based upon trx volume and fee, but early on there may not be enough volume. Unless you want to subsidize delegates early on via inflation the pay may start out low.
Can't the pay for a delegate be dependent on the tx volume?
U do not need 100%. 99.9% is good enough. Also you can be down for 5 to 10 minutes between turns. Remember you just need to be in the top 100 which is something anyone with a DO node could do. Once compition heats up then you have to raise the bar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK, would like to provide a mail list for those who want to be in to discuss related topics.bitsuperlab@googlegroups.comDPOS details whiter paper are already there:http://bitshares.org/documentation/group__dpos.htmlThe first thing could be do researches or delegate software optimizations.
The requirements exclude me personally. While I might have the bare minimum linux-skills to get the basics up and running, I have health problems that make it impossible for me to guarantee 100% up-time and responsiveness in case of trouble.Should initial costs be to high, perhaps this could be crowdfunded/sourced or setup similarly to mining pools where a team maintains a couple of servers, like Amazon cloud-servers or similar, and members of those pools share the costs and parts of the profits.
This is exactly the benefit of DPOS... 100 highly reliable nodes makes the 'nodeshare' concept that BTC is facing unnecessary.Big money to be made here by providing this service to the network.
Becoming a delegate requires:1) Ability to run provided software on a low-latency connection 2) Ability to setup a secure linux environment 3) Ability to get 1% of the vote... a) unique geographic location b) trusted member of the community c) 1000 BIPS (a couple of PTS or AGS) registration fee... (keep out spammers)Remaining a delegate requires: a) low latency, 99.9% uptime b) non-discrimination of valid transactions c) better reputation than all but the top 99How to earn the best reputation: a) Provide the most additional services for your pay. - seed node supporting thousands of connections - block explorers - free web wallets - high speed blockchain downloads b) Provide the most proof as to your transparency You get the idea... who ever is willing to provide the most service for their pay will likely win over someone attempting to provide the least service.