Author Topic: Mumble Server Up  (Read 6935 times)

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Offline fuzzy

I hate public servers, just letting you all know.

People can come in from other channels and ruin our chat at any moment, and there are no admins online that can ban sometimes.

I am currently looking into these issues, but the reason I am doing this is to hopefully set up a distributed "conference" kind of system. 

If you have a way to start a dedicated server for things like this and charge similar fees I am willing to pay you.  As stated before, this is to help everyone. 
I am also looking into ways of giving others mod privileges and will update you when I figure out how. 
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Offline Delinquency

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I hate public servers, just letting you all know.

People can come in from other channels and ruin our chat at any moment, and there are no admins online that can ban sometimes.

Offline Pheonike

Just downloaded the mumble  for android app and it seems to be working fine.

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Since you guys honored the social consensus, I felt you deserved what little I could give you--your own room.  Please feel free to use it as needed.
Thanks! I am sure it will come in handy sometime..
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Offline Delinquency

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I don't think that this mumble server is necessary.
We can easily host this on a dedicated server without the annoyance of others.

Offline fuzzy

Stopping by to let you guys know I set up a Mumble Server for our community and that of a few other cryptos (mostly BTC 2.0). 

Since you guys honored the social consensus, I felt you deserved what little I could give you--your own room.  Please feel free to use it as needed.


Label:  BeyondBitcoin
Port: 2077
Username: "Your Forum Handle Here"
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3
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