Author Topic: Today .I made a too bad mistake  (Read 52080 times)

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Offline Stan

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People say whatever they want about me, I am what I am, and when I have concerns I voice them.  I think I'm pretty consistent in being the squeaky wheel.

I do it under my own name because many people found out about projects like Bitshares from me and so I feel like I have a responsibility to those who I know have invested money and aren't watching things as closely as I am.

If you want to know me, listen to the show.  I am exactly who I seem to be, it's very simple.

Lets be frank.  You also do it under your own name, because your name is your product and power.  I could use my own name, but I have nothing to sell and my name means 0.   Your point is a little bit superfluous.

I can listen to everything you put out, but at the end of the day I am not privy to your wallet's transactions.

I so hope I am wrong in any implications, but no one really knows.  That is the nature of this beast.  I do not read every other crypto-currency forum to know your consistency as the squeaky wheel.
This is not a direct attack on you, just trying to make people realize the level of gaming going on in the cryptoworld.

I use my name because if I do it under another name, people aren't able to recognize my perspective changing with the evidence.  I used to post on this forum under another name and had just as much credibility, switching to my real name just added the liability that people who disagree with me now also dislike me because of that disagreement.

It's much easier to be quietly influential behind the scenes, posting under my own name is a CYA.     

But lets play out your logic, what power has my name given me on these forums besides not being dismissed out of hand as a troll?  I'm really curious what my name is getting me besides being on the record about my complaints.  Has anything changed?  Did anyone listen to me about anything?   Were my concerns addressed? 


Actually, Adam, your name had enormous influence with us.  But more so, we viewed you as a good friend with a global perspective who we would love to have agreed with more.  So your combined public and private reputation with us made us look for every conceivable way to use your ideas.  Even to the point of happily letting you win all the ties.

In the end, we simply disagreed, and we tried to explain in this forum our rationale for not implementing some of your recommendations.  The record is clear to anyone who cares to review the threads.  Every one of your concerns was carefully considered and responded to (repeatedly) with great respect. 

This is what we mean by "addressing your concerns".  It does not mean "accepting every recommendation."

Your views may well be wiser and more valid than ours, but in the end, Dan has to be true to his own judgement and vision, wherever it may lead.  People who share that vision stick around and help him to achieve it.  People with other visions move on and hopefully find a group they can support.

That's how it should be, no?

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline AdamBLevine

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But lets play out your logic, what power has my name given me on these forums besides not being dismissed out of hand as a troll?  I'm really curious what my name is getting me besides being on the record about my complaints.  Has anything changed?  Did anyone listen to me about anything?   Were my concerns addressed? 


Your last paragraph is a bit of an argument against your point.  You seem on some level to expect your concerns to be addressed because you are Adam B. Levine...

That's my point.  Regardless of expectation I do not get special treatment so your suggestion that I do is simply incorrect.   I expect my concrens to be addressed because I'm a long time supporter both vocally and financially of the Bitshares project, and as an investor I'm very unhappy with the way things are being handled but I have no way to do anything besides voice my concerns.
Email me at

Offline luckybit

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Can I get a refund on the double transaction I sent to the AGS address a month or two ago?  Sent 2kPTS when I only intended to send 1k, blockchain reflects the mistake (it was two TX, one sent the day before the other sent the day after but I closed the client apparently before it broadcast because they were both picked up in the same block when I fired the second one) but I figured the rules were the rules and it was my mistake.

If we're fixing mistakes, I'd be happy to get my 1k PTS back.

What is your transaction ID for the overspent 1k PTS ?... or demonstrate your a FUD producing irrelevant persona.

Lets avoid name calling or assuming bad intentions.   Trust but verify is perfectly acceptable, but there is no reason for any of us to suspect Adam of having bad intentions.   We may have disagreements about AGS and mining, but that is independent of his character or opinions.

Remember this before you post anything too judgmental about others on this forum:

We don't want people choosing to be alone, we want people to be with us so lets not alienate people.

In my opinion put a report function in so that if a person sends too much by mistake they have a time frame to report. That time frame should be 60 minutes after initial confirmation.

If someone cannot figure out that they made a typo after 60 minutes time then they shouldn't get their refund. If it was a genuine accident it wouldn't take days or months to figure out a mistake was made. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline gamey

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But lets play out your logic, what power has my name given me on these forums besides not being dismissed out of hand as a troll?  I'm really curious what my name is getting me besides being on the record about my complaints.  Has anything changed?  Did anyone listen to me about anything?   Were my concerns addressed? 


You are right that your name prevents you as being dismissed as a troll, yet it goes further.  Your influence goes  far beyond "I am not a troll" in credibility.  You are a big part of Bitcoin media.  People really really really listen to you.  Trying to downplay your roll.. please!!!!

I'm a total random, but bytemaster has personally addressed my issues multiples times.  He could have considered me a troll, but he obviously takes on legitimate criticism.

Your last paragraph is a bit of an argument against your point.  You seem on some level to expect your concerns to be addressed because you are Adam B. Levine...
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline Troglodactyl

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Average donation for the previous 10 days was 1203, and the total for the 20th was 6971.  Here are the donations, and the refund amounts necessary to scale everyone's AGS ratio to the 10 day average.  The remaining decision is the appropriate penalty/reduction for ebit's refund.

Code: [Select]
Pk2cJUUbXLRhfP2kw7yLbYJpYpBKeKARSW ,46.65,38.59683546
PjdcRCpvxNaR4RYqf52rQ5dmBGmGkTmQNX ,50,41.36852675
PaoJXg3x1xfPaZAVrP4Bk8NHWCJC6DdQ24 ,20,16.5474107
PpzcJXGWuN8HnKVpyeWH29eSq44LFh2Y6c ,0.25,0.20684263
PogMGCjw3sTh8j24tVAx54pUEMRyNQqZmo ,30,24.82111605
PqhqYxZVu75aN1Pa6VGvj5BGXnH9yqgaPx ,1.11111111,0.91930059
PagB51VKf4NkDxisU6EH5wtpHFvH5mQnc1 ,6120,5063.50767465
PadMoGsbU4n3vmephvG5wzumeRLn3RWayL ,30.661,25.36800798
PiywY9RJGTFY41gKku1m6gRTeJhTbHEafX ,10,8.27370535
PuF15NGfegzbxQ6PPqRMBhoZsZbW6kpo6p ,20,16.5474107
PjRCm4xf3KmpzuxYcpa9sN14iRcuPYfGtB ,2,1.65474107
PjHugwLoCrKBCXERgiuPgK7RFbTt1AiU29 ,4,3.30948214
PfFLim8RPGPkpAn8kAmQhVxn6t2FnQfGig ,107.613,89.03582539
PgbP2zDWz8vwpz9CDKi18Lj7YS5GjCeA7X ,5,4.13685268
PnrYHrsZcQxHabETusASqRdGTjyVa5WiLd ,49.4999,40.95475875
Pmyuw6iFTuAN4m8HV1dCfPTWLdjbpxPsw8 ,40,33.0948214
Ph3hw9fLcTnMZCgQBsHMXqhqhzvQxuaRpW ,0.4,0.33094821
PuaeYFCwsYCm25e6mSPA1SjSUsYpQzqZw2 ,1.77,1.46444585
PokVwdh2qSXDGwkkCMKa1wBKEwR47LF7rJ ,50,41.36852675
PnEYDvtFJqdFniBU3sQDSk1tqEzYGtA5hg ,1,0.82737054
PtwYmXAuksDYTaXHGFM9XhCY9VBtRESvz7 ,2.19,1.81194147
PrpTbeN4UKPgrHii4cJS5JHWrwQriSvEHM ,0.276,0.22835427
PjhYHRZMEKhdiKx6WWwhoDdH3WFsCTRpE6 ,3.33,2.75514388
PgY5bwLhkh9vB9vv3VUHa3qvYQ4Vr9RK4e ,4,3.30948214
PoKXVpCNkQ4qRLz5PXxH2JP9vckeBNgwDG ,10,8.27370535
PrpTbeN4UKPgrHii4cJS5JHWrwQriSvEHM ,0.5,0.41368527
PpMjQWhYf9mSWGqC3nc3jT2VNALVPVFng3 ,1,0.82737054
PqPZ5WTBEzvzogPuQ7JULLTHNTC5hhPJm8 ,10,8.27370535
PaFTVnAVGBXVm2M9JwzTWBg4grZF3Dq4EY ,20,16.5474107
PjEwaTLiaCV2Zev1gDR5RnoaP5FRt9qwf7 ,2,1.65474107
Pd5T7JkvMcdPq8kJMy83KeEtf3tGcKjraa ,20,16.5474107
Pqco7LoTLqEDq7xhbXCHNnCZ1WaShd7fi7 ,6,4.96422321
PmCtXtJZecdPyefSaU8pNBJPJMevbEKXfX ,1,0.82737054
PuPWyYWVV9b74iMxjZpF3ERvW3L417cU7b ,8,6.61896428
PZKnCeunEfmqFYHk4iFkDwmhGtvGLD39t5 ,1.3,1.0755817
PuiR9SqVFqytPrtZ9ZkZn2i5Jg15haGphP ,0.86,0.71153866
PqZxZm4BBhCNdfDEMDsGcWijzyMWi4Tzpm ,0.39,0.32267451
Phxxvxy3LAwvNUPRCZbBwuY55jZySXjXgn ,12.1212,10.02872373
PdbbYvKZGDT8Lh1fw1q6jeM1QdEA7aRTwZ ,4.71237204,3.89887778
PgjNdTXCQQV97eBd5vaCHiqUtAvFF9B4xK ,4.17027992,3.45036673
PXzib3XBtfRCvX4xjfR8me2rBk6k6CeJ7S ,50,41.36852675
Pw8yBPMupPFYSr31jbcDeuvcBiSA6L2Zha ,100,82.73705351
PuMfGuoiMe9fmrwCwuJYEMY6mQmSpe6KyS ,120,99.28446421

Offline AdamBLevine

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People say whatever they want about me, I am what I am, and when I have concerns I voice them.  I think I'm pretty consistent in being the squeaky wheel.

I do it under my own name because many people found out about projects like Bitshares from me and so I feel like I have a responsibility to those who I know have invested money and aren't watching things as closely as I am.

If you want to know me, listen to the show.  I am exactly who I seem to be, it's very simple.

Lets be frank.  You also do it under your own name, because your name is your product and power.  I could use my own name, but I have nothing to sell and my name means 0.   Your point is a little bit superfluous.

I can listen to everything you put out, but at the end of the day I am not privy to your wallet's transactions.

I so hope I am wrong in any implications, but no one really knows.  That is the nature of this beast.  I do not read every other crypto-currency forum to know your consistency as the squeaky wheel.
This is not a direct attack on you, just trying to make people realize the level of gaming going on in the cryptoworld.

I use my name because if I do it under another name, people aren't able to recognize my perspective changing with the evidence.  I used to post on this forum under another name and had just as much credibility, switching to my real name just added the liability that people who disagree with me now also dislike me because of that disagreement.

It's much easier to be quietly influential behind the scenes, posting under my own name is a CYA.     

But lets play out your logic, what power has my name given me on these forums besides not being dismissed out of hand as a troll?  I'm really curious what my name is getting me besides being on the record about my complaints.  Has anything changed?  Did anyone listen to me about anything?   Were my concerns addressed? 

Email me at

Offline gamey

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People say whatever they want about me, I am what I am, and when I have concerns I voice them.  I think I'm pretty consistent in being the squeaky wheel.

I do it under my own name because many people found out about projects like Bitshares from me and so I feel like I have a responsibility to those who I know have invested money and aren't watching things as closely as I am.

If you want to know me, listen to the show.  I am exactly who I seem to be, it's very simple.

Lets be frank.  You also do it under your own name, because your name is your product and power.  I could use my own name, but I have nothing to sell and my name means 0.   Your point is a little bit superfluous.

I can listen to everything you put out, but at the end of the day I am not privy to your wallet's transactions.

I so hope I am wrong in any implications, but no one really knows.  That is the nature of this beast.  I do not read every other crypto-currency forum to know your consistency as the squeaky wheel.
This is not a direct attack on you, just trying to make people realize the level of gaming going on in the cryptoworld.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline ripplexiaoshan

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We appreciate BM's understanding and response. +5% +5% +5%
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline AdamBLevine

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People say whatever they want about me, I am what I am, and when I have concerns I voice them.  I think I'm pretty consistent in being the squeaky wheel.

I do it under my own name because many people found out about projects like Bitshares from me and so I feel like I have a responsibility to those who I know have invested money and aren't watching things as closely as I am.

If you want to know me, listen to the show.  I am exactly who I seem to be, it's very simple.
Email me at


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My apologies.  I deleted my post.  I am a bit impulsive and have been drinking this merry Easter.

When I see nothing but FUD from a certain person, I start to question their intentions without doing my own due diligence.

I don't know much about Adam, except he has some large podcast.

I don't listen to such things usually - not my thing. I prefer reading because it is at my own pace. 

I'm just some developer who has a somewhat varied life experience.  I only view these things from the standpoint of a developer/geek.  Sometimes I am wrong.  Given my life experiences and observations, when I see too much FUD I start I assume the worst.

The problem with the crypto community is so many people have agendas.  I am super-cynical and a lot of times get it wrong. 

I made a bad call here and I guess Adam really did accidentally donate 1k PTS.  My apologies.

I don't think you were out of line, especially considering the history of said poster's accusations and tirades on this forum.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline gamey

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My apologies.  I deleted my post.  I am a bit impulsive and have been drinking this merry Easter.

When I see nothing but FUD from a certain person, I start to question their intentions without doing my own due diligence.

I don't know much about Adam, except he has some large podcast.

I don't listen to such things usually - not my thing. I prefer reading because it is at my own pace. 

I'm just some developer who has a somewhat varied life experience.  I only view these things from the standpoint of a developer/geek.  Sometimes I am wrong.  Given my life experiences and observations, when I see too much FUD I start I assume the worst.

The problem with the crypto community is so many people have agendas.  I am super-cynical and a lot of times get it wrong. 

I made a bad call here and I guess Adam really did accidentally donate 1k PTS.  My apologies.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline bytemaster

Can I get a refund on the double transaction I sent to the AGS address a month or two ago?  Sent 2kPTS when I only intended to send 1k, blockchain reflects the mistake (it was two TX, one sent the day before the other sent the day after but I closed the client apparently before it broadcast because they were both picked up in the same block when I fired the second one) but I figured the rules were the rules and it was my mistake.

If we're fixing mistakes, I'd be happy to get my 1k PTS back.

What is your transaction ID for the overspent 1k PTS ?... or demonstrate your a FUD producing irrelevant persona.

Lets avoid name calling or assuming bad intentions.   Trust but verify is perfectly acceptable, but there is no reason for any of us to suspect Adam of having bad intentions.   We may have disagreements about AGS and mining, but that is independent of his character or opinions.

Remember this before you post anything too judgmental about others on this forum:

We don't want people choosing to be alone, we want people to be with us so lets not alienate people.
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline godzirra

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I had a pretty bad fat finger trade that cost me a couple thousand $. I felt really sick for ebit. It was really cool of you guys to do this for him. So many scams in the cryptocurrency world, but I3 really is a class act.

Offline bytemaster

Can I get a refund on the double transaction I sent to the AGS address a month or two ago?  Sent 2kPTS when I only intended to send 1k, blockchain reflects the mistake (it was two TX, one sent the day before the other sent the day after but I closed the client apparently before it broadcast because they were both picked up in the same block when I fired the second one) but I figured the rules were the rules and it was my mistake.

If we're fixing mistakes, I'd be happy to get my 1k PTS back.

The rules are that usage of AGS donations is entirely at III discretion, as they're donations.  In this case I guess they think the best use of some that donation is to show grace to somewhat diminish the consequences of this error.  They would have every right to do the same in your case, or to do nothing.

My normal stance would be to do nothing at all because I am afraid of a flood of these types of requests.   I too have been bit by the same mistake Adam made, my wifi connected to a broken network and then two transactions went out on the same day instead of two different days.   

So lets make one thing clear, the community being gracious for this one mistake because it adversely (significantly so) affected more than just the individual who made the mistake by a factor significantly greater than any day in the past.   However, the official policy is that we are under no obligation to do anything and that our choosing to do so in one circumstance does not imply an obligation to do anything for anyone else.   

Thus the rules are still the rules and we continue to follow them.  The rules say that the funds may be used for anything at our sole discretion.  I hope that anyone who has any feelings of unfairness can stop and consider that they want others to suffer misfortune simply because they suffered misfortune.  Such behavior and perspective is unhealthy and is no different than those who want to see a 'tax cheat' punished just because they had to pay taxes.    The proper response is to feel happy for those who received grace, are able to escape taxes, etc.   Wanting others suffer because you have suffer just because you have suffered is counter-productive. 

For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline Troglodactyl

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Hi, I have a non-crazy idea to recall my PTS: several days ago I send them from exchange trade platform to III so I can not control following DAC shares.

2014-03-28 00:11:36   from PikAq7jB7yHJnZ8gsBXFLWquD1bPoeP7x5   quantity:   158.4 PTS

May I take them back and donate same PTS again from my local wallet?

thank you very much.

Those AGS are already allocated to the exchange, and III can't really pull them back, because they're in the blockchain.  Which exchange was it?  Have you tried talking to them about it?  They're really in the best position to do anything about this.