The Outpouring of sentiment and willingness to assist this fellow is admirable and commendable. Whilst we endeavor to assemble our ideal trustless platforms, it appears many of us remember that empathy and willingness to trust are still (and will always be) central to our humanity. If I had made such a blunder, I would be grateful and humbled by this show of support. I believe that mr. bytemaster (and tonyk) have proposed a possibility that does not dishonor, dilute, or compromise the integrity of the social contract. An honorable action, if implemented.
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt will be cast and sewn, as it has been for time immemorial. I have discovered, however, that these three concepts (FU&D) actually serve a noble purpose, one that is indeed vital for our evolution and growth. What better way to uncover the hidden eddys and backcurrants of our own uncertainty? How should we sharpen the blade of our convictions but upon the the most well thought out arguments against our plans?
We all prefer different things, we all have different styles. We might discover that motives can be pure or impure, well thought or whimsical, firm or reactionary, etc., but we can never expect to truly comprehend the motivations of another human being. We often like to fool ourselves into believing we can.....
"But all this FUD is hurting our cause"
In some ways, it would be great if nothing ever pushed our buttons, right? But here in reality, can we honestly justify worrying about the effect someone's opinion might have on others? Can we not at least have faith that those others in the community - AKA ones whom we are learning to trust (ironically, by building trustless platforms together) - possess their own level of integrity in their convictions and faith in the process of what we are trying to achieve together that they can transmute this elusive "FUD" in their own way?
We, with Invictus at the helm, have attracted a number of individuals who are brilliant at presenting masterful counter arguments to our strategies and plans for implementation. How is this anything but a great honor? if an idea is not truly revolutionary, would it attract such highly skilled dissent?
Guys, I know I haven't written much, but I am a long time observer and supporter. I purchased the Lions share of my personal AGS the week after the Feb. snapshot. I know potential when I see it. And it is openly apparent in all observable aspects of this operation. Keep it up. No doubt.