Author Topic: Critical Mass or Fratricide?  (Read 10457 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

I haven't time to read the thread in detail but would suggest pacing those products that you know are sound, rather than dumping them all at once into a smaller pool of interest. If you can make a splash with one and then pause, the next splash might be even larger?

Offline xeroc

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I think 2-4 weeks apart is best. Snapshots should be staggered as well.

Just think...

* LottoShares (TY freetrade for buying us time)
* XT
* ME
* .p2p
* Lotto (BitShares)
* X
* Music
* Voting

1. I cannot agree more. 2~4 weeks seems to be the perfect strategy.
+5% .. Plus, if third party DAC developers should decide *independently*!

3. However, al least until now, things are not so optimistic.  no product has been finished yet and the price of PTS reflects the doubt and the fear of the investors. We are losing the market. people even doubt that if there will be really some products coming out or when these products are released, if there will be big bugs which could destroy the whole thing. 
I see this as an opportunity for those that have more information about whats going on.
+Checkout the latest git repo and see for your self how the code works
+Join the testnet and feel the power
+Check out the last thread about the testnet
+See the increased efforts in the git-commits on github

Price really does not reflect recent developments because those speculating on PTS don't read this board and that gives us an advantage!

4. At last, I just want to say that:  Hope the first product---BTS--- could come soon and well.
Testnet is incredible!!! Titan rocks. The web UI is awesome!

PS: Can we have a rough date about the release day?  I am a little worried that by the end of this year, BTS will still be unfinished.
BitShares-XT will be finished within a fewish(tm) weeks (IMHO)

BitShareX only needs some polishing and testing AFAIK. My guess would be: definitly this year! (Unless design flaws appear again)

Offline fuzzy

Voting should come out first, Air-dropping 10%PTS/10%AGS and air drop like 10% of them to Rand Paul's campaign for president in 2016. 20% to Nigel Farage (a frequent Max Keiser guest) and his UKIP party in the UK...and do the same for other political parties/leadership who have fallen victim to voting scams based on voting systems w/ centralized control.  This would give really good PR before the other DACs start coming out and would get supporters of these movements on board (also connecting us with their VAST network on an issue for which they have great passion).   

The DAC creators should ultimately be deciding how to launch and who to air drop & what %, but air drops that automatically imbue the tokens with meaning and value can be powerful from a marketing perspective because:
1)  Getting shares into the hands of both crypto enthusiasts and newbies who will have an interest in learning how to use them as the tools they are. 
2)  Constant press releases based off of the initial drop and also from the ability of the DAC to bring together altcoin "competitors" around development tasks.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 06:55:32 am by fuznuts »
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Offline jae208

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My personal opinion is that all of them should be released on the same day. Why?

It may be remembered as a special day for years to come. It may be remembered as the day that the average person heard of the 'DAC.'

Plus it helps reward those that stuck around despite the fact that our patience was tested. The people that have already left will regret having left. ;) A work in progress
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Offline mint chocolate chip

Each DAC should be released when each one is ready independent of any other DAC. If that means that sometimes several are released on the same day or they come out weeks apart, so be it.

-acting independently or having the freedom to do so.
-existing or acting separately from other things or people.
-having the power or right to govern itself.

Offline Stan

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I think 2-4 weeks apart is best. Snapshots should be staggered as well.

Just think...

* LottoShares (TY freetrade for buying us time)
* XT
* ME
* .p2p
* Lotto (BitShares)
* X
* Music
* Voting

1. I cannot agree more. 2~4 weeks seems to be the perfect strategy.

2. If the problem Stan was talking about would really happen, it basically means that we could see the the dawn of the victory.

3. However, al least until now, things are not so optimistic.  no product has been finished yet and the price of PTS reflects the doubt and the fear of the investors. We are losing the market. people even doubt that if there will be really some products coming out or when these products are released, if there will be big bugs which could destroy the whole thing. 

4. At last, I just want to say that:  Hope the first product---BTS--- could come soon and well.

PS: Can we have a rough date about the release day?  I am a little worried that by the end of this year, BTS will still be unfinished.

Don't worry, be happy!  Our optimism is higher than ever.  Risk is profoundly lower than when we started.  Team productivity is skyrocketing. 

There is a Darwinian natural selection process going on. 
Those who are able to see and correctly assess our status will thrive.
And those are the ones we think should thrive.

Survival of the Fittest!

« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 04:44:48 am by Stan »
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Offline Amazon

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I think we should not split the team before X is mature. XT is not enough, ME is not enough, we need X before we move to other product. We can discuss the plan after X's successful launch. Just my 2c.
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Offline tianshi

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I think 2-4 weeks apart is best. Snapshots should be staggered as well.

Just think...

* LottoShares (TY freetrade for buying us time)
* XT
* ME
* .p2p
* Lotto (BitShares)
* X
* Music
* Voting

1. I cannot agree more. 2~4 weeks seems to be the perfect strategy.

2. If the problem Stan was talking about would really happen, it basically means that we could see the the dawn of the victory.

3. However, al least until now, things are not so optimistic.  no product has been finished yet and the price of PTS reflects the doubt and the fear of the investors. We are losing the market. people even doubt that if there will be really some products coming out or when these products are released, if there will be big bugs which could destroy the whole thing. 

4. At last, I just want to say that:  Hope the first product---BTS--- could come soon and well.

PS: Can we have a rough date about the release day?  I am a little worried that by the end of this year, BTS will still be unfinished.


« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 03:36:47 am by tianshi »

Offline jwiz168

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How about making it seasonal . So that each DAC has the chance to live up to its expectations. However, DACs are different in businesses so it depends on the timing . All I can suggest is leave a space in between launches.

Offline donkeypong

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Spacing them out a bit should help build/sustain the buzz. If they're ready, though, I wouldn't hold the DACs back for long. How about one week spacing? It works for football.

Offline Mrrr

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Try and nurture your devs in such a way that it is all a bit distributed. This DAC some more protein on Tuesdays, that DAC some more carbohydrates on Fridays. And whatever you do make sure bytemaster doesn't OD on Koolaid.

We have all seen what happened at the februari snapshot :/. While back then it was the right thing to do, looking at it now it made no sense whatsoever.

If you were to have 5 DAC's launching in 1 day followed by months of nothing this would certainly not help the cause. This mile high spike of buzz will haunt you till the day that you die I can promise you that :).

4 years ago I drove through southern Serbia in the first week of August. And I drove through dozens of villages that each had multiple trucks filled with watermelons on both sides of the road. Selling their watermelons at dump prices. I got one as big as a skippy ball for 2 euros. Poor man couldn't even lift it. It was so huge in fact that the Montenegran border police took fotos of it.

2 weeks later I drove back and the stench was unbearable. No more trucks but huge piles of watermelons rotting by the side of the road in every village I drove by. We stopped at a supermarket for supplies and there it was: a watermelon in the fridge, imported from Israel. For 6 euros A KILO.

Moral of the story: this is the kind of shit that made Adam Smith think about the basics of economy back in the 18th century. And it is the kind of shit that should make you think about how to structure DAC releases :).

Offline Talos

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Fortnightly launches maybe - to balance the effects of flooding the marketplace versus avoiding delaying DACs ready for release.

Offline BldSwtTrs

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Definitly not the same days imho. The market would have no idea how to price a bunch of new cutting-edge technologies and produce some retarded and erratic valuations.
It's better to let the market discover a bit what was the first product and thus assess what might worth the following ones. I think a 2/3 weeks separation is best.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 12:06:37 am by BldSwtTrs »

Offline onceuponatime

I'd say for the initial launch of DACs, to choose the most well developed and seemingly stable ones and release those ones first.

Might be hard to decide, but thats whats logical to me :)

I'd say choose the first two in different jurisdictions.

Offline toast

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I think 2-4 weeks apart is best. Snapshots should be staggered as well.

Just think...

* LottoShares (TY freetrade for buying us time)
* XT
* ME
* .p2p
* Lotto (BitShares)
* X
* Music
* Voting

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