I was wondering what would happen if we had the following situation:
Imagine an evil user (EVIL) exists with 34% of the total stake.
Imagine we have 34% of the users (LAZIES) who let the software autovote.
Imagine EVIL votes for misbehaving delegates with all of his stake (34% of the total).
This should cause the LAZIES to (auto)vote against the same misbehaving delegates with ~ 34% of the total stake. So that the misbehaving delegates have <0 total votes.
As the total stake is 100% the remaining 32% controlled by honest users (HONEST) elect the remaining/acting delegates.
Then EVIL registers 51 delegates and (instantly?) votes for them with his stake (34% of the total). EVIL will surely elect all of them as we have 34% LAZIES who voted against the initial misbehaving delegates.
1.How long will it take for the LAZIES to autovote again?
2.What if EVIL arranges his votes in such way, that autovoting of LAZIES gives upvotes for his delegates, freeing some of his stake to elect other delegates?
3.Is controlling 51 of the delegates a problem?
4.Can EVIL attempt the same with less than 34% of the stake? (what is the minimum stake he needs?)
5.Is this situation impossible?
PS: Sorry if the question is lame, I'm still collecting pieces of the puzzle and I might've missed some information.