Author Topic: Request for proposals from non-technical people interested in running a delegate  (Read 6717 times)

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Offline tonyk

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Any negativity you perceive from me is just me trying to encourage people to think outside the box in some manner.  Come up with a campaign about what we will do with x % of the transaction fees.

Actually I did not perceive any negativity from you… quite the opposite I ‘read’ too much of a soft touch where it was not needed (in my opinion).

If you read my comments in the other thread as negativity towards you – it is only strong opinions towards ideas… I tend to be harsh (harsher/more open, than expected/appropriate in the US society today, but my opinion on people is not the same as my opinion on their ideas)… let me give you an example with other people so there is no personal feelings involved  - I am pretty open in expressing my disagreement with the proposals/ideas etc of BM (in more occasion than one perceived as pure rudeness by the prevailing social norms of today’s US) . But this does not change my believe that he is one of the geniuses of our time (and one with the least egoistic behaviors at that) and he has the chance to be the next Bill Gates 10-15 years from now…

Back to the main topic ...

I consider you as one of the most thoughtful people here and any perceived negativity towards you is totally unintentional and not related to what I think about you.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 06:19:41 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline gamey

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There will be delegates for every DAC.  I am just trying to get people interested.  I can easily have multiple partners.  I have not turned down anyone or made any decisions.  A few people I am more interested in others, but in the end AFAIK the work supporting 3 delegates is not the same as the sum of 3 people supporting 1 delegate.  Just like most things, there is an economy of scale. So from my profit interests and that of Bitshare's interest, it seems to make sense to take most people as partners if they are serious.  Maybe some will get voted out, but I suspect it might be pretty easy for most of us of the partners to be voted in initially.

Any negativity you perceive from me is just me trying to encourage people to think outside the box in some manner.  Come up with a campaign about what we will do with x % of the transaction fees.

 I'm so busy with various things and my goofing off.  I have not turned down anyone.  There is so much going on and things are so rapidly evolving.  I am not trying to discourage anyone.

I talked to the person who will be helping me upkeep this stuff and really the labor involved on the technical side will be proportional to the # of code updates per DAC * hosts.  I assume I3 will come up with tools to help this.  It will also become an issue when/if Delegates start being DDOSed, but we will deal with that when we cross it.  I expect to work with multiple people.

We're still so early in the game, we all have a chance to have part of a Delegate !
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline tonyk

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Somebody else suggesting tweeter as a way to market your selves was my guess, but I could not put it as it was a pure speculation.

If you are trying to put an end to this discussion because you have found what you are looking for, just say it straight!
 No hard feelings, at least not from me. You know what you needed - which is good; and you found him/her - which is great.

If this is the case – Good Luck! and ‘Let the votes be always in your favour!’
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 04:34:12 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline gamey

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I received offers in private and some of them have talked about tweeting.  I was not referring to you Tony.  Tweeting is valuable, no doubt about it.  I was just hoping to somehow find people who could really really help with marketing.  (Again, not trying to be insulting...)

The best offer I've had to help Bitshares is someone has offered to create a website that will describe all the DACs and be a go to resource for them.  Thats what I am hoping to hear !  I want to inspire someone in a way that will help in a manner unthought of previously.  A DAC directory.  Basic, but it is a hell of a good start.  The person has website skills and that was their offer.  Perfect ! 

PS - I edited the previous post to keep it all more on topic.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 11:43:59 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline gamey

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Actually I was going to make a post about things.  2 people have expressed interest.  It isn't a matter of me "picking" people.  It is more a matter of you guys being able to provide value to the Bitshares community.  By providing value (or perhaps unfortunately just perceived value) we will become and remain a delegate.  So that is what I am looking for.  Tweeting is great, but if you're not playing the Twitter game with 100's of followers then what is the real value ? (Not to insult anyone, I have nothing better to offer..)  Bitshares needs people actively doing something.  It is a hard thing.  I do not have any real plans or suggestions.  I am just hoping to inspire someone.  It seems conceivable to me that the right marketer could justify multiple delegates.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 11:29:21 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline tonyk

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I think that if (and that is a big if) BTS X is a success it will be worth the effort of running as many delegates as you can get voted in. The same servers will be probably able to handle several more DAC delegates. I guess.
 I am non-techy but as  I tried to explain  I am easily teachable in the field. Plus my job gives me a lot of down time( like 90%) that I can monitor and make changes/adjustments after a real short boot camp…
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline gamey

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I am interested in working with you.

I do not know how non-technical I am, but the last time I wrote a line of code (other than helping my daughter with high school projects) was for this (did not come even close to good ranking btw), so I guess 2007 or about 6-7 years. I have many great ideas what to do with the proceeds (other than going to Vegas with them) but I will share them in private first. PM me if interested.

PS I hope you mean cooperation in delegates for BTS X not XT. I do not expect the XT to be able to pay enough to delegates for 10 bucks/mo. hosting…

I plan on being a delegate for all of the core I3 DACs and any reasonable DAC created.  I haven't seen this discussed but I assume that most delegates will try to be a delegate for most DACs.  At least until the scam coins etc appear.  If it ends up having too many hardforks/upgrades then we might abandon it due to the labor requirement.  Or if the Delegate server is too resource intensive vs payment etc.  We'd look at each on a case by case basis and make reasonable informed decisions.

The problem with the cheap server is DDOS (distributed denial of service).  I have other accounts and I am afraid they might all be shut down if one VPS is DDOSed.  Also the top-tier sites have better DDOS support where the cheap VPS just give you a moderate internet connection and likely not DDOS mitigation.  I wouldn't expect DDOS to happen at first though so I'm not worried.  Since it would never take down the network, people would only do it to take over delegates.

Given that I have not partaken of the test besides the very initial test, there is no guarantee we can get delegates.  However, I think that being the minority actively campaigning with a plan this shouldn't be the problem. Also the person I talked to helping me with this has been involved to some degree.  So we'll see..
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline tonyk

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I am interested in working with you.

I do not know how non-technical I am, but the last time I wrote a line of code (other than helping my daughter with high school projects) was for this (did not come even close to good ranking btw), so I guess 2007 or about 6-7 years. I have many great ideas what to do with the proceeds (other than going to Vegas with them) but I will share them in private first. PM me if interested.

PS I hope you mean cooperation in delegates for BTS X not XT. I do not expect the XT to be able to pay enough to delegates for 10 bucks/mo. hosting…
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline gamey

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Hi.  I am going to try to make this fairly short.  Stan posted the original idea here Then Bytemaster went on to expand on this during the Beyond Bitcoin Community Dev Hangout at

After listening to this I was inspired.  No one has stepped up to partner with people so I thought I would.

My basic proposal is that anyone who wishes to have an interest in being a Delegate to tell me what they will do for Bitshares with the funds generated.  I would ask they pay for the hosting as a sign of their goodwill and intentions.  This will be anywhere from $12-$50 a month.  (I know $12 will work, but for a top-tier provider it will be more.)  I could be paid the hosting fee in cryptocurrencies or the partner could choose to pay for the server directly. I will also provide some explanation about what is going on and possibly a demonstration/Q&A via Skype/phone or similar technology.  I will definitely make myself available.  I have one other technical person who I will likely partner with and they have tentatively agreed. I may find others to increase coverage of the servers as I do not expect to be available 24/7. These technical partners will hopefully be as passionate about this stuff as I am.

Beyond the hosting bill, what I ask of my non-technical partner(s) is just a plan to help the Bitshares ecosystem along with a solid execution.  Present it to me either in private or publicly.  There are likely others who would be willing to partner with a non-technical person so it might be in your interest to post your proposal publicly.  I do expect to be paid for my work along with my partners, and most likely on a % basis.  This means the only necessary out of pocket expense is the hosting fee.  My goal is not to make a truckload of money, but I do feel compensation of some sort to be necessary. Just like I expect that the non-technical partner to make a profit.  However, the main thing here is I want to partner with someone who has vision and will execute that vision.  The %s are negotiable and I have not given it much thought.

So any thoughts/plans/proposals fire away !  Either here or in private. If any technical people want to offer up their services in this thread feel free !
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 06:07:12 am by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.