The big problem is that under Approval Voting even if you own 49% of the shares you may not get any delegate representation.
This coupled with the Targeted Growth model
could dilute the minority shareholders to oblivion.
(This would mean that I3 + the top 5 or 10 shareholders would effectively control everything)
This is not a "big problem" at all. (I haven't had a chance to look at BMs changes so I will assume pure approval voting without limiting number of delegates you can vote for)
It's basically a completely unrealistic scenario, and if true would point to a deep deep division in the community.
For this scenario to be true, you have someone with 49% of stake who can't convince even 2% of the rest of the stakeholders to vote for their delegate? That's pretty strange for everyone to not trust someone with such a large stake. Not only that, but this other 51% would have to be super well coordinated in their opposition. They must find 100 other delegates that they all vote for with 100% backing without any disagreement. So you have a scenario where a stakeholder with 49% exclusively backs their delegate and then the rest of the network exclusively opposes this delegate and is 100% in agreement on 100 other delegates. These 2 parties should probably go their separate ways because they obviously hate each other for some reason and have very different views on the direction of things. If it's one person that holds that 49% they should probably figure out why everyone hates them before the DAC gets forked with their stake removed.
Edit: You also have to understand that the majority (51%) under any model ALWAYS holds the power if they are well coordinated. But 51% can never abuse 49% because nothing stops the 49% from selling their shares until the DAC is worthless and forming their own DAC. Don't buy shares of a DAC if you think it's controlled by a well coordinated shady group of 51% owners who you suspect don't have your interests at heart.