As someone who would like to contribute as a delegate for the upcoming Bitshares XT DAC and will be campaigning on spending funds in a manner that is mostly desired by the shareholders, I've thought about the best way to poll shareholders and collect data on their sentiments about dissemination of earned funds by delegates.
One way I can see doing this is by creating a site where shareholders can go to submit their desired delegate spending "profile". There would be a number of way to spend funds with a slider indicating what % of earnings should be allocated to each.
Here is a quick and simple proof of concept for what the UI might look like: of course after some data is collected there would be another page or section of that page that would contain reports on the data collected for delegate use.
First, I'd like any feedback from shareholders and potential future delegates about this idea.
Second, if it sounds like something that would be valuable to some, I'd like to brainstorm all the main ways to utilize earned delegate income (invest in development, keep as profit for delegate, marketing, "proof of burn" destruction of funds etc).
Thanks for any comments or criticisms. If it's something that it seems would be used, I'll try to put up a rough draft of the site over the next week or so.