Author Topic: Synodic, A vote for Scholarships. 15% retained, 85% allocated to Scholarships.  (Read 4674 times)

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Offline myhometalk

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« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 04:22:17 pm by myhometalk »

Offline santaclause102

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Sounds great!

Who do you represent? Are you a private person or a company?

Would the following be correct? You collect money via the delegate and pay that out to scholars/students to be educated about bitshares / and do scientific work that is related to it.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 03:25:50 pm by delulo »

Offline Synodic

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We are aiming to develop the "Nano degree" concept in the crypto currency space and specifically within the Bitshares ecosystem. We are discussing the program and degree with various education partners to incorporate the new curriculum on the their platforms.

The Nano Degree concept is explained well here:

In addition to we will also be in touch with traditional universities to collaborate on how we recruit top talent.

Regarding escrow we are contact I3 to see if they are willing to suggest the best method. We are open to suggestions.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or ideas.

Please vote for us: synodic-scholarship-1

Offline gamey

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Details ?  How is the money escrowed ?  Are you going to give us some real life details ?
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline Synodic

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    As users and developers of cloud solutions, we are looking to support the community by drawing attention and recruiting best of breed talent to Btishares. There is untapped potential in Bitshares and we want to further its development.

    Our intention is simple.  We want to bring attention worldwide to Bitshares through the use of scholarship and  ultimately recruit the best and brightest students in the world to develop for this platform.

    This delegate represents a development node for us that we plan on retaining only 15% of the transaction while the other 85% will fund a scholarship BTSX address that can be monitored from a public website.

    Qualified Students: Top students in the mathematics, economics, quantitative economics, computer science and/or programming fields of study.
 We are refining our strategy and methodology of selecting candidate students and open for suggestions discussion as we progress.

    Scholarship Amount: Varies depending on transaction volume but will have a minimum reward of 10BTC.

    Please vote for: synodic-scholarship-1

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 05:01:09 am by Synodic »
Please vote for us: synodic-scholarship-1